Date: 13th November 2019 at 8:51am
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Former Arsenal star Andrey Arshavin has named his son after legendary manager Arsene Wenger.

The Russian has named his son Arseny, a tribute to Wenger whom played under for almost 150 games between 2009 and 2013.

Arseny is only six years old but is currently making a name for himself at Barca’s feeder academy based in Moscow.

This past week the youngster was named as player of the week in a competition at the Russian football factory.

Each youngster at the academy is part of a team named after one of Barcelona’s current or ex-players.

Arshavin Snr, 38, joined Arsenal after starring for Russia at Euro 2008, scoring 31 goals in 144 games for the Gunners.

He is most famous for scoring four goals at Anfield as Arsenal drew 4-4 with Liverpool to end their 2008/09 title hopes.

Arshavin celebrates scoring in Liverpool

And he will be hoping Arseny can do the Arshavin family name, and Wenger, proud.


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