Date: 2nd December 2015 at 7:22pm
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Arsenal’s emerging star Hector Bellerin has revealed the secrets behind his success, revealing the impact assistant manager Steve Bould has made on his game.

The 20-year-old full-back has made the right-back spot in the first-team is own after stepping in as cover for the injured Mathieu Debuchy last season and is now one of the most valued players within Arsenal’s squad.

Having arrived at Arsenal in 2012 from Barcelona, Bellerin has revealed he didn’t know how to defend when he first arrived in North London and was originally a winger until Bould made his mark. He told a number of national newspapers:

“When I first came to Arsenal, I didn’t know how to defend. If there was a person who I had to identify as helping me a lot, that would have to be Bould. I was a winger but from the Under-18s up, I remember him just showing me the basics.”

“Even then, I remember him sometimes holding his head like, ‘What is Hector doing?’ He’s been one of the key people in my career. He’s one of the reasons I’m here now.”

“Steve was a top defender himself and has so much knowledge. Sometimes when he’s speaking, I just laugh because he makes it look so easy and so obvious, and you haven’t realised before. I really enjoy learning with him.”

Bould has been a trusted member of the staff for a number of years, coming into the limelight when he replaced the long-serving Pat Rice as Arsenal’s assistant manager a few seasons back.

His impact has clearly been valuable to the team and we sincerely hope it continues in this fashion moving forward.


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