Date: 13th February 2008 at 4:23pm
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Gaël Clichy, Arsenal’s star Left Back, who has been key to The Gunners success this season, admits that things looked tough for him during the early stages of his career in the London based club.

“When I look back, I was nothing but now I’m Arsenal’s first [choice] left back,” he told Setanta Sports. “In a big way, I’ve progressed a lot. I was just playing for Cannes in the Third Division and never thought Arsenal would be there looking for me.

“There was really a bad time since I joined Arsenal when Ashley got injured and I wasn’t happy, I would not say I was happy but I got a chance to play.

“Then, a week later, I got the same injury. Of course, it was in my mind to just think that the chance is gone. I’ll have to work hard and move elsewhere to do something.”

Clichy, however, recognised by the Gooners because of the enormous effort he puts every week, never stopped trying, and soon enough, he’d get the chance to show the world what he was capable of.

“At the end of the day, I’m here today and I’m really pleased with that.

“I can look back at the past and say all those things just made me stronger.

“When Ashley left, he [Arsène Wenger] didn’t buy anyone and that is the best sign of confidence for me and was a big boost.”

Thanks for staying put Gaël.


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