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womens football

  1. SA Gunner

    Womens FA Cup S/F - Manchester City vs Arsenal, 1 October 2020, 19:15 BST (FT: City 2-1 Arsenal )

    Tight one, this game is half an hour before the men's League Cup tie vs Liverpool. Will keep half an eye on this one, and post important updates. Ill update the links as and when they become available. https://faplayer.thefa.com/home/all
  2. SA Gunner

    Womens FA Cup Q/F: Arsenal vs Tottenham, Sept 26, 17:15 BST (FT: Arsenal 4-0 Tottenham)

    Have to go out with the mrs quickly, hopefully Ill be back in time for the game. In the meantime.... Game link (click the game once it becomes available) https://faplayer.thefa.com/home/all Nice preview by the official site below. COYG
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