Discussions about police investigations

    In light of recent developments about a player from Premier League being arrested and until there is an official announcement, ALL users should refrain from discussing or speculating about situations around personal off-pitch matters related to any Arsenal player. This is to protect you and the forum.

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Arsenal kit deal with Adidas


Established Member
LOVE that black kit. Maybe it’s mainly because the mannequin has a similar body type to me, ripped etc (obviously I am bigger though) so I can envision it on myself.

Great kit.

Home kit is absolute turd.


Responsible Gambler

Country: England
That's the same print from the Wrighty warmup they're wearing now. It's apparently a tribute to him and Rocky.
Liverpool Fc Shrug GIF

Arsenal Quotes

I started clapping myself... until I realised that I was Sunderland's manager.

Peter Reid after Bergkamp's goal against Sunderland.
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