Gutted to see him leave, but sadly going to be the case for quite a few youngsters over the foreseeable whilst we're competing at the very top
If we were in the same position as when Saka was coming through they'd get more chances, but once you're at the top level those chances get less, unless you are elite at that age
If you have people around you who are advising you to wait then great, but in this industry when you're having huge sums of money thrown at you and being given promises of first team football I can't blame them
Have so many examples of youth players looking like the next big thing to not make it anywhere big
Clubs like United are where we were before arteta arrived so the chance of success for him his higher, but my guess is, he goes there and ends up on loan
If we were in the same position as when Saka was coming through they'd get more chances, but once you're at the top level those chances get less, unless you are elite at that age
If you have people around you who are advising you to wait then great, but in this industry when you're having huge sums of money thrown at you and being given promises of first team football I can't blame them
Have so many examples of youth players looking like the next big thing to not make it anywhere big
Clubs like United are where we were before arteta arrived so the chance of success for him his higher, but my guess is, he goes there and ends up on loan