Discussions about police investigations

    In light of recent developments about a player from Premier League being arrested and until there is an official announcement, ALL users should refrain from discussing or speculating about situations around personal off-pitch matters related to any Arsenal player. This is to protect you and the forum.

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Danilo dos Santos de Oliveira

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Hates Journalists Named James



The Sultan of Unai

Country: Netherlands
Had never heard of him before, but at this stage, better than nothing I guess.

Yousif Arsenal

Was on Vinai's payroll; misses 4th place trophy 🏆
We were linked last summer and in last January he signed new contract in February.

We shouldn't leave it until 2 days from window closing to make bid for guy who is in middle of season with his team
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Arsenal Quotes

Arsenal are the most beautiful club in England. At Man City and Chelsea, they will never have that class and style.

Marco van Basten

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