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✍️ OFFICIAL Emile Smith-Rowe (Out)

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Well-Known Member

Country: Croatia
ESR played 500 minutes in 25 matches last 2 seasons.
Price is definitely ok.

I think that Arteta wanted to give him minutes in season 2022/23, but he was injured again, had groin surgery and lost 4-5 months because of it.
After that he never came back.


Established Member
RVP didn't go on a free. We sold him for £24m with 1 year left on his contract. We should have gotten more (Hazard with 1 year went for 100m, admittedly a few years later with inflation which shows how other clubs are better at it). Still I accepted we were in a weak position and gave the benefit of doubt to the club.

With Fabregas there is no excuse, no matter what shenanigans he pulled. Suarez went to a national newspaper to ask to go to Arsenal, they told us what we were smoking.

Coutinho faked an injury and basically refused to play for them. Barca still had to pay a near world record fee for him. I find it strange how Cesc could destroy our bargaining position when others had done far worse than him yet the selling club never caved in. He was on a long contract, Barca were desperate for him....that should have made us force them to pay a record fee for him. Usually when a player pulls stunts the selling club digs in more and the buyer ends up paying more. Except Arsenal of course.

We were just too accommodating to our players when they wanted to leave. Which I think was because of Wenger. The great man really believed you shouldn't hold on to a player if they expressed a wish to go. In the end we were gift wrapping all our best players for very low fees whenever they asked to leave. RvP, Cesc, Nasri, Alexis, Henry, Vieira etc.
All of this yet he went to Barca and basically failed. They couldn't find a position for him.

Wasn't good enough for tikitaka in midfield, not a cf. Played in a false 9 and super sub. Could've become an arsenal legend. Now just a footnote at Barca.

Barca sold him and won the CL.

If RVP, Cesc Nasri all stayed we would've won the league at some point. All would've been legends. Now all are classed as mercenaries.

Nasri I have the most respect for, he just said he wasn't going to renew his contract, which led to him being sold. He even played the day before his transfer. Could've easily have been injured.


Established Member

Country: Norway
Initial £27m plus add ons is a good deal for someone of his calibre.
Club record transfer. Always makes me nervous. Really hope this works out.
At least ESR's coming to us and not Crystal Palace. One less thing to grumble about.
Extremelly happy with this. Out of all rumours we've had in the past year or two, this is the one that excited me the most from the beggining (sic)
its gone from £40m,to £27m plus add ons which is a completely different ball game.
Just to address people's concerns about ESR's injury record. He's actually not been injured that much over the last two seasons, he's just not been starting/playing for whatever reason.

He's been in matchday squads and on the bench a lot though.
happy with Rowe who I think is great business at that price.
this is a Marquee signing for us. Its a gamble, of course, bigger transfers often are, but this is an incredibly talented player, one only need to look at the reaction of arsenal fans almost unanimously.

Has he had injuries before, yes, but we wouldn't afford him if he hadn't to be quite honest. Yes there's an element of a gamble but as you point out his issue the last year or more hasn't remotely been injury but getting game time behind Oodergard and Martinelli.
It's a statement of intent and I don't think it can be undersold that this guy was pitched to be the future of English football not long ago, and only an unlucky injury, has put him back. He's a real talent and I probably get some of the scepticism, this guy is a baller.
I'm going enjoy a bishops finger and toast the club and ESR,cheers
It's a proper statement signing at a record fee.
We're all in the same boat I think - hard not to be excited, but everyone is aware there's a risk here, which is why we're able to get him! We're gambling on his recent injury record being more indicative of where he's at and that he's put those behind him! A risk worth taking for me. Easy to say in hindsight if it doesn't work out but ya gotta pull the trigger on this if you get the chance in my opinion

Trying to contain me excitement till its official but I guess Im destined to watch another round of ESR compilation videos on repeat this week!!

Seems our man is more than welcome and wanted.

Hleb's Sirush

Established Member
Good fee and hopefully this means that fatty Willian never sees another start at in the Prem again, win-win for me!
I can't let you say a single bad thing about Willian. Never was fond of him but started to have a lot of respect for him when he decided to rip up his huge contract and left. Was well within his right to keep collecting his massive salary like 99% of footballers but nah, dude just said **** the money I'm going to go where I can be happy.


🎵 Riouce Riouce Baby 🎶

Country: Northern Ireland
I can't let you say a single bad thing about Willian. Never was fond of him but started to have a lot of respect for him when he decided to rip up his huge contract and left. Was well within his right to keep collecting his massive salary like 99% of footballers but nah, dude just said **** the money I'm going to go where I can be happy.

That was nice, but watching him play for us was the most embarrassing experience of my football life and I have seen prime Mustafi at my club ffs!


Well-Known Member
What are the addons? One injury free season or play more than 30 premier leagues a year? Seems unrealistic, hope there are some sell on clausules or at least buyback price.


Statbomb Merchant

Country: Sweden
the lord of the rings GIF

Anyways, let’s lock this up and move on


Established Member
Unfortunate, since we all had high hopes for him, but it had to be done for both the club and his career.

Remember him scoring that banger against Atletico in the pre-season match in Asia and thinking we had a gem. Saved Mik's job as well. Hope he can shake off his fitness woes and go on to fulfill his potential.


Established Member
He's a bit of a throwback player which didn't help him, he's more of a Rosicky, Hleb combination player with quick feet, not the most robust/pacy player.

Between Vieira and ESR I'd rather we kept ESR, Vieira better start producing, he's had two seasons to find his feet, I think he has a dangerous final ball which may be his saving grace over ESR.
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