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European Super League

Are you in favour of the European Super League?

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Big Poppa

Established Member

Country: USA

I'm worried that the plan might get scrapped and we'll just pat Gary Neville and Sky sports on the back, breath a sigh of relief, and just go back to normal, accept a CL reform or something, nothing major changes. This whole thing is just a symptom of hypercapitalism, it was the unacceptable face of it, I think we'll just go back to the 'acceptable' face of it where the deaths of 7000 migrant workers for the sake of a World Cup provokes no such opprobrium.
Chauvin and ESL have something common.

Sniper Mik

Not a Closet Sp**s Fan
Arsenal with that statement trying to avoid sanctions


African Flair

Well-Known Member
So what now? This is a fiasco not just from arsenal but all the clubs. Nobody took the fans into consideration before, only just realized that they actually do exist when **** truly hit the fan. You can't just say sorry and move on. Not to me. It's weak as ****.


Doesn’t Rate Any Of Our Attackers
Utd's statement is proper sh*t compared to our one, 'stakeholders' ffs, state of it

"Manchester United will not be participating in the European Super League.

We have listened carefully to the reaction from our fans, the UK government and other key stakeholders.

We remain committed to working with others across the football community to come up with sustainable solutions to the long-term challenges facing the game"


Well-Known Member

Country: Canada
Disgusting attempt from these 12 clubs...

While it has been clear - almost explicit - that this Arsenal is a business that exists to make big K more money, and that the history/culture/fans of the club are relevant only insofar as they can make him more money, my enjoyment of the sport and my love for Arsenal has always been at the forefront of my mind. This has definitely changed that for me, the extreme greed/corruption and the blatant attempt to essentially destroy the sport for every team outside of the "ESL" is most representative of what Arsenal is to me right now. Of course the emotions are still running high, but I do think this may have fundamentally changed the way I view Arsenal, the club that I've loved since a child.

The dissolution of the (thankfully) short lived ESL is a massive victory for the sport, and we will see how it plays out with UEFA competition amendments/sanctions, but it is a massive failure of Arsenal (and the other 11 teams) to misrepresent their fanbases - the most important investors - who's lives have been enriched by the love of the sport, the culture and the history of these clubs. Things that these clubs were so eager to be rid of for a buck.

On a brighter note, the protests from the fans/players/managers/pundits/media/governments have been generally fantastic IMO. Out of all the spheres of life where greed dominates all else, it's nice to see that in the game of football there are at least some limits to that dominance, the people just won't have it after a certain point. Another plus, is I do think this will cause a lot of people to reckon with the current UEFA/FIFA set up, as they are and have always been far from perfect and rife with corruption themselves. Optimistically, this shake up will force a critical look at how these organizations can change for the betterment of the game.


🎵 Riouce Riouce Baby 🎶

Country: Northern Ireland
What an absolute shambles. Glad we're out but hope every club involved gets punished, whether that is by points deductions who knows. No chance that happens, all will be welcomed back with open arms.

"We are leaving and never coming back!"

"We will never forgive you for this!"

Few days later...

"We are sorry..."

"Like we could stay mad at you" (hug)

Like a classic Mods and @GDeep™ love story on here!

Arsenal Quotes

It is well known the referees are protected very well like the lions in the zoo so we have to live with their decisions

Arsène Wenger

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