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excellent article


Active Member
You can buy trophies, Roman, but you’ll never buy respect", written by the Sports Columnist of the year, Patrick Collins. Thought it was brilliant.

The match had been over for a minute of two when Roman Abramovich walked across the pitch to congratulate his players. The Barcelona fans saw him and greeted him with a bellow of abuse. It was perhaps the most significant moment of a remarkable occasion. For one thing, the Catalans actually recognised him. A couple of years ago, when he was just a run-of-the-mill multi-billionaire, they might have passed him in the street. But now he owned a football club and they could spot him through the murk of a March evening.

And for another thing, having recognised him, they reacted with anger. It wasn’t simply that their own team had been beaten by a patently illegitimate goal. Nor even that some of their players had been manhandled by Chelsea stewards. No, it was the fact that they deplore what Abramovich represents; the grotesque fortune, the crassly conspicuous consumption, the army of docile lackeys. Above all, they despise the way in which he has used his money to buy the game they love. And, in truth, they have a fair point. For the current celebration of Abramovich’s Chelsea is rapidly becoming the most alarming development in modern football.

Already, Chelsea have bought the Carling Cup, they are purchasing the premiership and soon they may complete the acquisition of the Champions League. The cost has been so indecently high; indeed, Abramovich has so far paid out almost £300 million for the right to parade across Stamford Bridge.

With that kind of money, he is not gambling of success, he is virtually ensuring it. He has bought the best players and hired a perfectly competent manager to orchestrate their efforts. Despite Jose Mourinho’s tiresome pretensions, it is not the most demanding of assignments, since the funds are blissfully unlimited.

If you really wanted to understand the effects of such finance on a football club, you only had to look at Chelsea’s substitutions against Barcelona. They were strung across the bench like a tycoon’s trinkets. Glen Johnson (£6M) and Tiago (£10M) were, eventually, employed but Scott Parker (£10M), Geremi (£6.9M) and Alexi Smertin (£4.25M) merely sat and stared.

Lavishly paid yet incredibly under-used, a young man like Parker will never become the player he should have been. Some of these players were bought simply to deny their talents to others. Such is the unprecedented power of new money. And we have not mentioned the loan rangers – Hernan Crespo, the striker whose goal put out Manchester United last week, was bought by Chelsea for £16.8 million and is at present temping with AC Milan, while Juan Sebastian Veron (£15M, 14 Chelsea games) is currently residing in Inter.

Now, to you and I, all that seems like a definition of financial madness. But to an oligarch, it is the merest frippery. Abramovich has his oil, aluminium, automobile and television interests, which derive from the fortuitous associations with Boris Yeltsin, the renowned drunk and former President of Russia. Such preposterous wealth sabotages the very notion of competition.

Last Monday evening, Manchester City played Bolton Wanderers at the City of Manchester Stadium. They are two of the oldest clubs and the crowd they attracted, 43,050, was more than Chelsea have been able to cram in to the Bridge this season. And do you know what chance either has of winning the Premiership next season, or at any time in the next decade? None whatsoever. Likewise, clubs of a similar scale, such as Everton, Middlesbrough, Villa and Sp**s.

While it is just conceivable that Arsenal, Manchester United and even Liverpool may raise a challenge, the rest are non-runners so long as Abramovich controls the game by the weight of his wallet. We do not know his motives for expending so much money and energy upon Chelsea. What we do know is that his financial power has bred arrogance at the club he controls. Mourinho is behaving with the maturity of a toddler, taking his first steps: “Wow! Everyone’s looking at me! I must be wonderful!” fines are being imposed from all directions and are being paid with the air of a Rothschild settling a taxi fare.

Sure, some of the clubs already mentioned have traditionally out-spent their rivals but at least their money was created from football success and not from the indulgence of a bibulous politician. In any case, they are little more than paupers when set alongside the modern Chelsea.

I believe this situation is deeply damaging. I believe that the beauty of sport lies in its unpredictability, its competitiveness, its relative equality. These are not optional extras; these are the essentials without which it cannot function.

Football could always have its head turned by money but, when that money is flaunted by a multi-billionaire, the head revolves like a roulette wheel until all sense of justice is abandoned.

This is not how sport was meant to be. It ought to be better than that. Which is why, when confronted with the spectre of Roman Abramovich, there is only one place for the lovers of football. And that is shoulder to shoulder with the fans of Barcelona.


Established Member
Could not have put it better myself.

Football has a way of evening things out, somewhere down the line it will all come crashing down for Chelsea, it may not be for a while and they may win many trophies before they do, but it will happen.

Also once they have won anything and the Russian finds he is still not making a profit he will leave.

I would love it if the rumour that only the clubs debts were bought off by him and that all the transfer fees were just an interest fee loan for him to take back at any point comes true! :D


Established Member
Saw this article, it is exactly the reason i dilike Chelsea and the reason many don't like them. Great article


Established Member
Great article. I can't believe there haven't been more articles like this. Everyone goes on about how great Chelsea and Mourinho are, but they don't seem to remember how this ****ty small club suddenly undeservedly started challenging for big trophies.

Eto'o also had a good go at them saying that if they won the CL it would make him want to retire.

Plus with all this money they aren't entertaining at all. They're ruining football in more ways than one. Bloody awful.


Established Member
Mark said:
Great article. I can't believe there haven't been more articles like this. Everyone goes on about how great Chelsea and Mourinho are, but they don't seem to remember how this ****ty small club suddenly undeservedly started challenging for big trophies.

Eto'o also had a good go at them saying that if they won the CL it would make him want to retire.

Plus with all this money they aren't entertaining at all. They're ruining football in more ways than one. Bloody awful.

There have been enough articles in other european countries, but it seems like the press in England already has some sort of self-imposed censorship when it comes to the russian thug.


Established Member
Kenyon has bought the press off, least that is the rumor.

He is the guy I dispise the most in it, Mourinho is clearly an excellent coach, the chelsea players are giving their all, and even the Russian you can understand why he might want a play thing.

But Kenyon is just **** IMO, he does not care about football, or the history of the clubs he works for, all he wants is more money for himself.

If Roman pulled out tomorrow he would jump ship to another club immediately.


Active Member
How could this have happened to our wonderful game???

I know people in their fifties who used to love football, now they wont even entertain it!!

The more I read articles like that one, the more I fear of the degeneration of the game.

Lets just hope that when mr abramivich wins the silverware this season, he gets bored with his new toy and put it back in the toybox, then the rest of us genuine football lovers can carry on enjoying the game. :( :( :( :( :(


Established Member
Sammer said:
Mark said:
Great article. I can't believe there haven't been more articles like this. Everyone goes on about how great Chelsea and Mourinho are, but they don't seem to remember how this ****ty small club suddenly undeservedly started challenging for big trophies.

Eto'o also had a good go at them saying that if they won the CL it would make him want to retire.

Plus with all this money they aren't entertaining at all. They're ruining football in more ways than one. Bloody awful.

There have been enough articles in other european countries, but it seems like the press in England already has some sort of self-imposed censorship when it comes to the russian thug.

i thik the media here are desparate for an english winner of the cl. chelsea look the best chance and they are supporting them all the way. cavarlho's blatant foul against barca rarely got a mention for instance. whilst chelsea continue to look a good cl side, they will keep the favour of the press.

what is sad is that is chelsea winning the cl a testament to the strength of this league or the strength of abrahmovic's wealth?


Established Member
As i've mentioned elsewhere Chelsea are a joke. If Roman bought WBA instead of Chelsea they would have won 1-0 tonight.

Chelsea are a plaything for the media at the moment, the things happening at the currently. Frisk, Cole, Barca, Mourinho etc etc etc. Whether its good or bad its got the media licking their lips for stories.

We all know how the media works, anyone remember how they were with us when we were still in for the treble? Licking our arseholes at every chance, then we fail and they are putting us down at every chance.

Same will happen to Chelsea, the media already started it when they lost to Newcastle and Barca in the space of a few days.

But of course Mourinho told them to sshhh at the league cup final when Gerrard scored that own goal. :roll: Whatever you say Mourinho you ****.


Established Member
summed up my feelings about those bastards better than i could have done myself. chelsea are a cancer and they will ruin our sport. the point he raised about the medium sized teams in the league is very interesting. because of this over-indulgent beast called chelsea, they stand no chance of winning the premiership in the next decade. normally, a team in 6th can rationally envision a push to a championship within 5- 10 years. that is now an impossibility. the kind of rapid assension that arsenal saw between 1995 and 1998 has been effectively rendered extinct by chelsea. its a horrifying thought. the premiership is being turned into a monopoly by the bestubbled russian and i hate him so deeply for it.


Established Member
Trusted ⭐
Very truethats what I think and probaly everyone else who is not Chelsea supporter.
Going to sound like bossy boots, but next time can you please just post the link thank you


Active Member
If Chelsea continually dominate the english league as they have this season. Then I think there will definatly be more articles like this.


Established Member
In a way, it's good for Chelsea to win lots of trophies. It will hasten the media and the obviously thick public from loving them so much. Because if they don't win this season, they'll just spend more money. And if not after that, they'll spend more money. It's just crazy.


Established Member
What was that banner at the league cup final in the 'pool fans.

'Respect is earnt, not bought'

Or words to that end. That's why I can hate Sp**s, United, even 'pool, but I can also respect all these clubs. Even Sp**s turned Abramovich down.


Established Member
i still cant get over the fact that nobody outside the top 3 can realistically concieve a title win in the next 5 years!! that was the first thing i thought of after praying this morning. holy hell!! SALARY CAP NOW!!!

Arsenal Quotes

The match will be shown on Match of the Day later this evening and if you don't want to know the result look away now as we show you Tony Adams lifting the cup for Arsenal.

Steve Rider

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Monday, May 3

Marco Silva is pushing the Fulham board to spend as Arsenal prepare to listen to offers for Emile Smith Rowe, among other fringe players [Evening Standard]

New Fenerbache manager Jose Mourinho is determined to stop Arsenal from signing LB Ferdi Kadıoğlu [TBR Football]

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