Discussions about police investigations

    In light of recent developments about a player from Premier League being arrested and until there is an official announcement, ALL users should refrain from discussing or speculating about situations around personal off-pitch matters related to any Arsenal player. This is to protect you and the forum.

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✍️ OFFICIAL Hector Bellerin (Loan)

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Rex Stone

I am a man and I’m relentless

Country: Wales

Yeah I get the valuations are low but if we got 12.5M for Nketiah, 15M for Xhaka and an Emerson for Bellerin + 20M swap as well as AMN and Nelson putting themselves in the shop window potentially on loan you’d make a profit and be in a decent position no?

If we ever get more than Roma have offered for Xhaka I’ll be shocked tbh.
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Arsenal Quotes

A player's true character is in how he plays and not in his social life. You can hide your real personality in your social life, You cannot on the field.

Arsène Wenger
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