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Mate, let's all laugh at Tottenham!


Established Member

Country: Netherlands

Why can't they just say that they hope they get top four and win a cup? Always this small time behaviour, no wonder they win jack ****. It's ingrained in the club, everywhere.


Responsible Gambler

Country: England

@A_G Why is 5 time world champion(2 out of 2 in last 2 years) watching Son? 😭
Him showing his medals to Son:

hydrofluoric acid

Down With the Refereearchy

Country: Iceland
Take them down to the dressing rooms and get them to unleash some home truths about what it takes to win.

Anyway their presence today was positive - maybe Ange had them in the dressing rooms at half time.

Faker is probably best sportsman ever. His career in terms of football is like 3 times of what Messi achieved.

His precence could probably inspire Sp**s to win every game they have for reminder of the season. Hopefully he will go back to South-Korea ASAP.


Captain Serious
This might be the most boomerific post on A-M mate :lol:
Doing too much, hardly like anyone needs to recognise the faces and the name T1 LoL could mean anything. Without someone mentioning the name Faker below I wouldn't have known either.


Senior Spreadsheet Squad Secretary

Country: Bangladesh

Yea ridiculous tbh. I've no problem accepting that according to the LGBTQ mandem there are fifteen genders but I'll draw the line at computer game nerds being called sportsmen.

I mean I remember getting slapped by you for calling F1 drivers athletes so yeah I’m not surprised by this stance 😝

Arsenal Quotes

When I arrive at the gates of Heaven the Good Lord will ask "What did you do in your life?"
I will respond "I tried to win football matches."
He will say: "Are you certain that's all?"
"Well, that's the story of my life. It is not easy to win football matches, you know."

Arsène Wenger

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