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Mikel Starteta Wars - Phase IV: A Newaneri Hope

Should Arteta’s position as manager be under threat if we don’t win the PL or CL?

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Country: England
Honestly the people getting really annoyed with Arteta, You're targeting the wrong per person / people.

If you appoint a manager with zero management experience it has to be baked into the higher ups expectations that he's learning on the job and it's going to be seen as a long term appointment.

Like when people say that Arteta is getting way more leeway than Arsène or Emery, I mean it's clearly true. He's being graded on a curve based on his experience level. No-one should be shocked by that. That's what you'd expect Kroenke and co to do after appointing him.

If people think that's a bad thing or unacceptable, take it out on the owners. It's clearly a gamble when the project seems to be to appoint a young manager, surround him with young, talented malleable players and let them grow together. I'm moderately pro-Arteta but I'm under no illusions that this project could well fail.

Where I draw the line is the lack of ambition stuff. Arteta is clearly ambitious, maybe overly so. Kroenke is clearly backing him to the hilt financially, that's ambition. This isn't Arsenal treading water anymore, they're blatantly trying to push on.

He calls way too many shots to be treated with kiddie gloves for years at this point. Bit of a joke really, but hey it's not my club.


100% Dark Chocolate

Country: England
I have a feeling they will create a massive debt with what they are doing. It's nice to have investments, but eventually, they have to back it up with some results and increased revenue from those. No sales, no CL money and we are spending like crazy ever since Arteta joined, it's a bubble

Well I'm glad someone finally said it. I'll be honest; I've taken a seat back from following Arsenal news too stringently because the season is now over.

But I'm looking at how much we've spent last summer and how much we're spending this summer and I've been thinking to myself we probably need to make CL this year or this could end really badly considering the outlay we're making (and due the pandemic we know that club revenue has taken an extra hit).


League is very weak
With 5th place getting you CL soon, is next season really the make or break season we built it up to be?

With these young signings our real aim is probably getting 5th in 2023/24.

I don’t see Arteta leaving now. I think we’ll finish 6th, that gives you a platform to target 5th the season after.


Established Member

Country: Colombia

Honestly the people getting really annoyed with Arteta, You're targeting the wrong per person / people.

If you appoint a manager with zero management experience it has to be baked into the higher ups expectations that he's learning on the job and it's going to be seen as a long term appointment.

Like when people say that Arteta is getting way more leeway than Arsène or Emery, I mean it's clearly true. He's being graded on a curve based on his experience level. No-one should be shocked by that. That's what you'd expect Kroenke and co to do after appointing him.

If people think that's a bad thing or unacceptable, take it out on the owners. It's clearly a gamble when the project seems to be to appoint a young manager, surround him with young, talented malleable players and let them grow together. I'm moderately pro-Arteta but I'm under no illusions that this project could well fail.

Where I draw the line is the lack of ambition stuff. Arteta is clearly ambitious, maybe overly so. Kroenke is clearly backing him to the hilt financially, that's ambition. This isn't Arsenal treading water anymore, they're blatantly trying to push on.

Taking it out on our owners has always been a silly approach. It's their club, they can do whatever they want with it. If they want to relegate the Arsenal to the Championship then so be it.

Unless we buy the club from them, there is nothing that we can do about it. We can however easily hound out the root of all our current issues in the manager (because even the owners are working in the way we wanted them to for years), we have hounded out better managers already.


Mesmerised By Raccoons
With 5th place getting you CL soon, is next season really the make or break season we built it up to be?

With these young signings our real aim is probably getting 5th in 2023/24.

I don’t see Arteta leaving now. I think we’ll finish 6th, that gives you a platform to target 5th the season after.

6th sounds right. Might even be 7th, depending on how quickly we exit the cups and Europa.


Well-Known Member

Country: Canada
I have a feeling they will create a massive debt with what they are doing. It's nice to have investments, but eventually, they have to back it up with some results and increased revenue from those. No sales, no CL money and we are spending like crazy ever since Arteta joined, it's a bubble
While we are spending cash left right and centre right now, I don't think this will continue long term. A big part of the reason we are making these large, young signings on fair wages is so that the squad will be largely built for years to come, and it won't be an impossibility to renew/keep hold of these players if and when they really kick on.

I'd imagine after this transfer window/maybe the next, we won't see many big signings if at all for quite some time.


Well-Known Member

Country: Canada
Honestly the people getting really annoyed with Arteta, You're targeting the wrong per person / people.

If you appoint a manager with zero management experience it has to be baked into the higher ups expectations that he's learning on the job and it's going to be seen as a long term appointment.

Like when people say that Arteta is getting way more leeway than Arsène or Emery, I mean it's clearly true. He's being graded on a curve based on his experience level. No-one should be shocked by that. That's what you'd expect Kroenke and co to do after appointing him.

If people think that's a bad thing or unacceptable, take it out on the owners. It's clearly a gamble when the project seems to be to appoint a young manager, surround him with young, talented malleable players and let them grow together. I'm moderately pro-Arteta but I'm under no illusions that this project could well fail.

Where I draw the line is the lack of ambition stuff. Arteta is clearly ambitious, maybe overly so. Kroenke is clearly backing him to the hilt financially, that's ambition. This isn't Arsenal treading water anymore, they're blatantly trying to push on.
Do you reckon that after all the money they've invested now/continue to invest, the owners will make room for growing pains this season? At some point they'll have to say "listen, you've gotten a couple years under your belt, you've got the investment - now deliver"

I do agree though, it would be foolish to think that Kroenke would not have expected a degree of learning-on-the-job when he OK'd Arteta's appointment - they were definitely betting on the longterm there.

Blood on the Tracks

Michael Owen Level Analysis

Country: England

Do you reckon that after all the money they've invested now/continue to invest, the owners will make room for growing pains this season? At some point they'll have to say "listen, you've gotten a couple years under your belt, you've got the investment - now deliver"

I do agree though, it would be foolish to think that Kroenke would not have expected a degree of learning-on-the-job when he OK'd Arteta's appointment - they were definitely betting on the longterm there.

I think the answer is somewhere in the middle.

Trying to look at it objectively, last season showed a pretty nice bump in our league position even though we're all still kind of down on missing out on 4th. I think Kroenke and co will be moderately happy with that.

At the same time, we've invested pretty heavily and continue to do so and Arteta has been here for 2.5 years now. It's not like he's a proper rookie anymore so you'd like to think Kroenke and co would expect him to push on again this season.

If we continue to spend this window I'd want Arteta to be sacked if he doesn't get top 4 or win the EL. It's conjecture on my part but I think Kroenke will back him unless he finishes below 5th and regresses.

I don't buy this narrative that Arteta has Kroenke and co under some kind of a spell and can get away with absolutely anything without repercussions though. He is going to have expectations put on him by the board that if he doesn't meet, he'll be sacked. I don't doubt that. They just might be a little lower than the expectations we fans have.

SA Gunner

The butcher from Cape Town

Country: South Africa
I have a feeling they will create a massive debt with what they are doing. It's nice to have investments, but eventually, they have to back it up with some results and increased revenue from those. No sales, no CL money and we are spending like crazy ever since Arteta joined, it's a bubble

You can apply this thinking to every single spending club in football, outside of state owned clubs and owners who dont care about ROI like Abramovic.

What should interest us however is that the club are still on this path, despite the risks you state. That should suggest that they are confident in what's happening behind the scenes.


Worships in the house of Wenger 🙏

Country: England

Honestly the people getting really annoyed with Arteta, You're targeting the wrong per person / people.

If you appoint a manager with zero management experience it has to be baked into the higher ups expectations that he's learning on the job and it's going to be seen as a long term appointment.

Like when people say that Arteta is getting way more leeway than Arsène or Emery, I mean it's clearly true. He's being graded on a curve based on his experience level. No-one should be shocked by that. That's what you'd expect Kroenke and co to do after appointing him.

If people think that's a bad thing or unacceptable, take it out on the owners. It's clearly a gamble when the project seems to be to appoint a young manager, surround him with young, talented malleable players and let them grow together. I'm moderately pro-Arteta but I'm under no illusions that this project could well fail.

Where I draw the line is the lack of ambition stuff. Arteta is clearly ambitious, maybe overly so. Kroenke is clearly backing him to the hilt financially, that's ambition. This isn't Arsenal treading water anymore, they're blatantly trying to push on.
Lol. Can you point to any serious million dollar business, anywhere in the world, in any field of industry, that would hire a totally inexperienced manager to run it. And then factor in several years of losses in case he learns on the job and eventually comes good.

Do you even know how crazy that sounds?

Arsenal Quotes

When you look at people who are successful, you will find that they aren’t the people who are motivated, but have consistency in their motivation.

Arsène Wenger
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