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Pablo Mari

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League is very weak
Why are people calling him a “hidden gem”? :lol:

If anything he’s not, it’s hidden or a gem. Guy has played in nearly every country in Europe, spent years at City and even joined the Brazilian league.

Such a gem that we aren’t even committing to a purchase.


Established Member
It isnt 6 months. Just over 4m.

Will the club get first refusal on signing him it he does do well?

Or could we get into a battle to sign him on a permanent deal?
Or somebody better could become available in the summer and we wont have to worry because we didn't sign him permanently


Does Not Hate Foreigners
Tim Vickery must have seen him play many times, and he rates him

And I somehow doubt anyone on this forum knows more about Brazilian football than him, so some of you need to stop pontificating about a player you know nothing about


Always Me ?
One of those wait and see deals. Realistically its a small outlay, and he should be able to slot in quite quickly. I believe he already speaks English. So it makes communication easier at that bedding in phase.

I could be wrong, but I was under the impression loans are factored slightly differently in terms of FFP? Not sure if someone can clarify? Which might make sense as to why its a loan for the moment.

Realistically we have someone cheap, who is a known quantity to our manager, who just does the simple things right, who will be high on confidence. He could stay in Brazil and enjoy his life, but he obviously has a point to prove in terms of being in a top division as a CB.

If he turns out to be a bust he goes back to Brazil, if he is better than what we have he stays and we got a bargain that still has 5-7 years worth of game time in him.

I am fine with the deal and actually looking forward to seeing him here :)


Active Member
Yeah, if only we had a 2 weeks off coming after the weekend. Oh wait...

By which time he won't have played a game in 2 months and then also has to adjust to new team mates, possibly different style of play and coming up against some of the best strikers in the world. He will be lucky to play 10 games for us in all likelihood which won't be enough to judge him by. Im struggling to understand the motive behind us bringing him in, is he simply an emergency back up signing? or do we see a future for him beyond this season? With the bigger issue being does the club know what they want? I don't want a repeat of the Denis Suarez loan.

For what its worth I like the idea of signing Mari as he is big, wins headers, apparently reads the play well and is organised while he can play out from the back. He is only 26 and could be a late developer at a nice price. But again I want those responsible for our recruiting to have faith in the players they identify and the make up of this deal suggest that they possibly don't.


Established Member
This guy is just expensive cover until the end of the season. Hopefully we'll never have to use him because in all likelihood he's probably worse than Mustafi. If he was half decent he wouldn't have had the career he's had so far. I'm glad we didn't get conned into buying him permanently

Nonetheless I wish him well and hope he does great things for us


Looking for receipts 👀
Our next game that he potentially could play is Newcastle on 16th Feb and our last game is 17th May.

So basically the club are paying 5m to have him available for selection for 3 months more or less.

£5,000,000 into 13 weeks plus wages is terrible when you break that down.

The price to buy was quote around double that at £10,000,000 so even if he turned out to be absolute rubbish youd still probably get at least 5-6m for him.

This deal is looking worse and worse when you do the maths.


Raul Stanllehi
I wonder how much does Don Raul get in his own pocket for this? 26 year old in the Brazilian league, signing for a top club, that’s quite rare. I hope UEFA look into this deal, seems some shady stuff.


A-M’s Resident Hunskelper
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Country: Scotland
A game changing signing. Our last guy from Brazil worked out well. so who knows. its completely underwhelming and low expectations mean less pressure. So maybe he will flourish.


Well-Known Member
If he is THAT good you would think many top level clubs would be all over this deal for that price, but they aren't. Tells me everything about this deal.


Wilf Zaha Aficionado
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Our next game that he potentially could play is Newcastle on 16th Feb and our last game is 17th May.

So basically the club are paying 5m to have him available for selection for 3 months more or less.

£5,000,000 into 13 weeks plus wages is terrible when you break that down.

The price to buy was quote around double that at £10,000,000 so even if he turned out to be absolute rubbish youd still probably get at least 5-6m for him.

This deal is looking worse and worse when you do the maths.
We dont know all the thinking.

Maybe we plan to buy in the summer when funds available? Does the 5m have any factor on summer fee? Are we loaning out Mustafi next couple of days offsetting fee somewhat?

Yousif Arsenal

On Vinai's payroll & misses 4th place trophy 🏆
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The good thing that we'll have 2 weeks off after Burnley game so it'll be like pre-season for him. For me loan signing make no sense but clear that mustafi and holding are not good backups
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