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Prophet of Doom

Country: England
I’m a coward. 5 weeks every week I have bottled taking the captaincy and every week I fall behind. Absolute coward


Miss Bold Superstitious [B/]

Country: England

Shocked Oh No GIF by Yêu Lu


Arséne Wenger: "I will miss you"

Country: Kosova

Congratulations on joining the Spoon Platoon Ms @Synical :lol: :lol:

putting this on spoilers because tagging the OG spoonboys @jones and @grange inside spoilers does not create an alert for them :)


Miss Bold Superstitious [B/]

Country: England
3 points is pathetic so I deserve the spoon!

I got one point from our, Liverpool and Chelsea 's results. Thank god Liverpool did draw or I'd have 2 points :lol:

Arsenal Quotes

I want a fan to wake up in the morning and say, “Arsenal are playing today, I’m going to have a good time.” That guy starts his day off by thinking that something good is going to happen to him. And to do that, big clubs like Arsenal have to have the ambition to play spectacularly. Of shared happiness.

Arsène Wenger

2025 Winter Transfers Deadline

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