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Raheem Sterling: Shaken, Not Sterred


Established Member

Country: Netherlands

At this point I can only hope Sterling finds some form, might be the only forward we have who can be dangerous when he's on it


Established Member

Country: Turkiye
Looked absolutely finished today, was almost sad to watch. Shouldn't play much going forward, hope we can bring someone in.


Chairman of the Bum Brigade

Country: Bangladesh
He & Havertz, the dumb & dumber duo tried to sabotage us as much as possible

Arsenal Quotes

I still have an interest in training and development, in the stages that make it possible for players first to acquire technique (between 7 and 12) and then to develop physically (between 12 and 16), then to deepen their mental resilience (between 17 and 19) and finally between 19 and 22 to acquire what is critical, like the roof of a house without which all the rest rots away: intelligence and motivation

Arsène Wenger: My Life in Red and White
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