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Raheem Sterling: Shaken, Not Sterred

Blood on the Tracks

Michael Owen Level Analysis

Country: England

I'm going to have to take the L on Raheem, he was shocking tonight.

No drive, awful touch etc.

Looks like he's finished tbh.


Says Aesthetics Merchants, but really means Trilly
Thanks for the spirited effort against United on Sunday, but it's back to the bench you go Raheem.

Hleb's Sirush

Established Member
Arteta was doing him a favour by hardly playing him. Now I have seen him get some minutes it is clear why he wasn’t being trusted. Unfortunately it seems he is done. Well past his best.


🎵 Riouce Riouce Baby 🎶

Country: Northern Ireland
Can't believe this turned out to be a terrible signing, shocked to the core...

Yousif Arsenal

Was on Vinai's payroll; misses 4th place trophy 🏆
Thanks edu for doing absolutely horrible job not signing winger and getting this guy who his interest in football is as good as dead. And not because of you we signed Raheem if Arteta didn't know Raheem the guy would be probably stuck at Chelsea and Nelson loan at Fulham never happened.

It's NLD and he know that yet he looked lost interest after 20 minutes I know he not been used all season but come on man


🎵 Riouce Riouce Baby 🎶

Country: Northern Ireland
Raheem Sterling highlights v Sp**s, this...


...and then when he got subbed off, highlights complete 💪


Spoon Master #2
Euro 2024 Superbru Champion 🏆
I don't say this often about Arsenal players (I hardly consider him an Arsenal player, tbh), but he's pure ****.

Can't wait to see the back of him.


Hard on crime, soft on Stan

Country: USA

Honestly today when the crowd hyped him up to run at Spence only for Spence to jog next to him at about 30% effort and shield the ball out of bounds just made me so sad. The guy is only 30. His legs shouldn't have left him to this extent.


Established Member

Country: Norway
He's done, as many of us knew before we signed him. He can't beat his man, and Spence had full control on him.

Tir Na Nog

Won’t accept b*tch position

Country: Ireland
We basically swapped out Nelson for Sterling, what an absolutely massive downgrade. Our summer business is looking worse as each day goes by.

Arsenal Quotes

He is like a new signing

Arsène Wenger on a player coming back from injury

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