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Raheem Sterling: Shaken, Not Sterred


Established Member
Still two years on his 17M a year Chelsea deal. Unless they can find a taker aboard hard to see them being able to ship him.


Based and Artetapilled

What's wrong with this guy? He looked legitimately dangerous against United and then gets a full 90 against the scumm, can't beat his man, can't really trap a ball and when dribbling in open space nearly overruns it. That last part isn't even a physical thing, he seems to not be there mentally either.


Established Member

Country: Turkiye
What's wrong with this guy? He looked legitimately dangerous against United and then gets a full 90 against the scumm, can't beat his man, can't really trap a ball and when dribbling in open space nearly overruns it. That last part isn't even a physical thing, he seems to not be there mentally either.
I bursted out laughing when he almost tripped over himself running in open space, ngl


Active Member
He never seems to be on the same wavelength as the players around him. I know he’s not played much but you would think after 5 months training with the team there would be some chemistry.

Tir Na Nog

Won’t accept b*tch position

Country: Ireland

Kind of amazing that someone who’s achieved a great deal in his career and is destined for the PL HoF can lose confidence like this…

In fairness he had a tough time at Chelsea were the fans really got on his back, City fans have weirdly sort of disowned him a bit. Enzo froze him out completely, he thought he was getting a fresh start at Arsenal and it just hasn't got going at all. That and it looks like his body is not following the mind in terms of what he wants to do. Physically he looks so shot, granted he's just back from injury and probably nowhere near fully match sharp.

I have a lot of time for Sterling to be honest, since he was a teenager he's been hounded by the media despite being a fairly decent guy. Euro 2021 was by far England's best player but didn't get much recognition for his performances.

Imo the best career revival for him would be at a mid-table club but in a more central role, like when he basically played as 10 at the tip of diamond for Liverpool (and England at times). His days on the wing look numbered at PL level.


All views posted are NOT my own

Country: England

Kind of amazing that someone who’s achieved a great deal in his career and is destined for the PL HoF can lose confidence like this…
You could tell.

He reminds me of that player whose only as good as the last thing they did in the game.

You could see he built up some momentum against United but once Spencer had him in that first 1v1 he just fell apart.
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John Radford’s son
He’s finished as a top level footballer. Sad to see as I enjoyed watching him in his breakout season at Liverpool and then what he went on to do at City.

If there’s an option to send him back to Chelsea early, just take it up


Well-Known Member

Country: USA

Kind of amazing that someone who’s achieved a great deal in his career and is destined for the PL HoF can lose confidence like this…

He isn't the player he used to be.

For a lot of athletes, it is hard to deal with.

Jesus went through this earlier this year when coming off the bench.

It is an adjustment, mentally. Hopefully he pulls through it.
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Hleb's Sirush

Established Member
We should just ask him to stay at home for the 4 months remaining of the season.

If you didn't know the career he has had I would have thought he pulled an Ali Dia level of scam to trick his way as a professional footballer. Woefully out of his depth.


🎵 Riouce Riouce Baby 🎶

Country: Northern Ireland
Him and Havertz being here is an absolute piss take.

We have finished 2nd twice, with Chelsea like 13th and 7th and they have still offloaded their rubbish to us somehow 🤬

Want Arteta sacked for these two transfers alone!

Arsenal Quotes

The club changed so much, I changed with it and football has changed with us... But one thing never changes: the 90 minutes still belong to the player, 90 minutes during which he is king.

Arsène Wenger: My Life in Red and White
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