Discussions about police investigations

    In light of recent developments about a player from Premier League being arrested and until there is an official announcement, ALL users should refrain from discussing or speculating about situations around personal off-pitch matters related to any Arsenal player. This is to protect you and the forum.

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Viktor Tsygankov

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Hard on crime, soft on Stan

Country: USA

Could be important to convince Zinny to sign a new deal
Im Not No Way GIF


Wants you to learn about football
isnt the other Ukrainian at Girona the one to watch?

is like Hazard and Gervinho all over again.

Sapient Hawk

Hates sharing cyberspace with Tets' bootlickers

Country: Saudi Arabia
Going in for Viktor Tursonov are we? Robbie will be delighted.
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Arsenal Quotes

You kind of never leave Arsenal. How many comebacks do you make? At one point it will turn out to be a bad move. We all love the first Rocky but I'm not too sure about the last one.

Thierry Henry
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