Date: 16th February 2008 at 9:00am
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Alisher Usmanov, a powerful man with powerful lawyers, apparently hasn’t given up on his chances at Arsenal.

Apparently he has upped his stakes and is now slightly behind Fitzman, with 24% of the club’s shares in his hands.

This puts him in a good position to launch a take-over, and potentially ruin for many Gooners what has been a fantastic season.

Because of the reasons stated in the first sentence I will not get too much into all this, but Arsenal fans have to unite against a take-over.

We are a very profitable and successful team. We do not need a billionaire.

Look at Liverpool and at what’s happening to them. Foreign billionaires generally don’t care about football, and we as football supporters need to let them know that we don’t want people like that running our clubs.

It’ll be interesting to see how this develops.


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