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Draft All Time PL Era Draft (Post Your Teams)

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5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (49)
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Country: England

Easily one of the most balanced squads in the whole draft. A lot of standout quality like Cristiano Ronaldo, Gareth Bale and VVD coupled with a proven midfield partnerships who went on to win three PL titles in a row (06-07, 07-08, 08-09) sooooo…who has done that since? Nobody. A solid defence with two PFA player of the year CBs in Paul McGrath and VVD. McGrath was a quality defender but I’m pretty sure the forum will sleep on that. In attack I have Liverpool’s all time PL goal scorer and 8th all time PL goal scorer with two players on either side of him (Ronaldo & Bale) who are unstoppable on their day.

Post your teams 👇

Uncle Good-Advice

Active Member
premier league xi.png

I picked a team that is balanced in every department. Quick one-two passing would dismantle every defence and you won't even know how they did it.

This is a team that have exceptional stamina and willingness to run, so I expect a lot of goals late into the games. Midfield duo can run all day just like wing-backs while wingers like Özil and Alexis would never stop moving. Also football IQ of my frontline is off the charts, all are perfectly capable of creating some magic and I can't see even the best of defenders to anticipate their moves and break almost telepathic connection that those great players have. Can you imagine Özil, Bergkamp and Kanu in one team?

I'm expecting Gael Clichy to lead the league in assists, bombing forward and overlapping with Özil would destroy every right-back. And if you try to help then Alexis on his own will create havoc on the other side. And if you even manage to nullify that, late runs in the box made by Ramsey and Romford Pele (created by Bergkamp passing) won't be stopped.

This team can also sit back and counter. Three solid defenders in Toure, Bould and Dixon and midfielders willing to do the dirty work in defence would definitely be a nuisance even for the best forward lines. Remember Tony Adams' most famous goal against Everton? It was Steve Bould who made the perfect pass and I'm counting on his ability to start a lot of counter-attacks, Alexis can drop deep and run with the ball from box to box as well. Oh and there's one David Seaman on goal who has a knack of making impossible saves.

Lone weakness that I can see is vulnerability to right-side attack as Clichy often ventures forward. and forgets to come back But in this case team will switch wingers and Alexis will help with his tracking back while Özil cutting inside will make things happen with his left-foot and immaculate passing.

I'm not expecting a lot of clean sheets but three goals scored a game is a bare minimum. Come on you Gunners!


Based and Artetapilled


Aside from the premium balance in the squad, Easily the best CB/GK trio in the draft, flanked by a solid LB and the best creative RB in the history of the EPL. A hard tackling and hard working DM duo in double winner Petit and CL and PL winning captain Henderson in midfield to nullify any AMs in this draft, hard working technically elite RWF Silva and explosive and flashy Ginola flanking the best balanced front two in the draft - a quite ridiculous pairing of Sheringham and Cole up front is almost unfair. This team has goals, creativity, steel, flair, pace, physicality, longevity in the EPL and tactical flexibility too - can play counter attack, possession or high press.

5 creators including a DLP, RB, two top creative wingers and a Second Striker is going to ensure constant supply from all areas of the pitch, nightmare for defenses, and excellent dead ball options in TAA, Petit, Silva and Ginola.

Even down to the small details where I've made sure to play French players and English players near each other to make sure communication is optimum. This team has it all.

Tir Na Nog

Changes Opinion Every 5 Minutes

Country: Ireland

Very well balanced filled with guaranteed performers. Friedel as dependable as they come there's a reason he played 310 consecutive PL games. Cahill and Keown both excellent title winning defenders, both stayed at top clubs for large periods of their career. Young blistering going forward but in the latter stages of his career proven him solid defensively. Cole best LB in the PL era. Keane a warrior to help out defensively alongside the more silky technical Gundogan who's got an eye for goal as well as creativity. Overmars was devastating at Arsenal and on the other flank Beckham was a cheat code with his crossing and set pieces. Then you've got the flair and unpredictability of the game changing Cantona playing off the lethal Fernando Torres.

An all English speak back line covered by Keane with Friedel in goals so there'll be no communication issues there. Also feel like this side can mix it up, predominantly on the front foot but has a steely side too ready to dig in the when needed.

Also, put your medals on the table.


🎙️ Future Journalist
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Country: England
lineup (5).png

This has absolutely everything. The defence with Fernandinho as a shield is as strong as you can get with 25 PL titles between them and a keeper who has the most golden glove awards in the league.

Midfield has an abundance of technical quality, creating and goal scoring coming from Van de Vaart and Arsenal legend Rosicky who would feed into my forwards who don't need any introduction at all.

Suarez, Berba and Son all interchanging would have defences chasing shadows, each player is capable of creating for themselves and all can turn a game on it's head with a moment of magic. Technically secure and deadly finshers.


Match Day Thread Merchant
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Country: Nigeria


Possibly the best back five in the draft. Defensively solid as well as being adept at playing out from the back. With the pace of Walker protecting against counters, allowing Evra to bomb forward and join the attack.

In midfield, you have Rodri breaking up opposition's play and making line breaking passes to the likes of Arteta and KDB the latter who is the best in the world at what he does; feeding dangerous and accurate through balls to RVP who is a ruthless finisher as well as being a very competent chance creator himself.

KDB will also be spoting the runs of Wiltord and Duff on the wings and slipping them in behind defenses. My two wingers are very good at very 1v1. They can cut in and shoot or make combination plays with Arteta and KDB and they can also go outside the full backs and cross balls into the cross.

RVP is one of best in the business
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Rex Stone

Long live the fighters
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Country: Wales

Team is set up for one purpose. To let Salah feast. Might lack star power in central midfield and the back line but we’re going to scheme for that.

Apart from Trippier that back line is going nowhere up the field. Gallas will tuck in as a 3rd CB when in possession.

System wise this is a team built for Klopp with the midfield workhorses, Salah and an attacking fullback.

Trippier will get pushed right up the pitch a la Trent but unlike Liverpool we have two guys with elite level stamina in Milner and Sissoko covering the position so we should be alright defending breaks but also pressing the opposition all over the pitch.

Cesc, Anelka and Nasri will take up so much of the defenders time. I don’t think you can sell out doubling up Salah because Cesc will be unchained and will slice you apart.

Winning football matches comes down to the collective working over the individual.

Yes it might have been more glamorous going with possession midfielders but that’s not what works well with Salah. He needs midfield runners to be effective and we have a midfield that will outwork anyone else’s.


Rice Rice Baby 🎼🎵

This team was built to maximise each players’ strengths and try to mask their weaknesses:
Koscielny’s aggression is offset with Desailly sweeping up behind him and the steady Winterburn to his left.

Modric and Gerrard have the freedom to do what they do best with Makelele screening in front of the back 4.

Kane will drop off into zone 14 and open up space for Sturridge to drift into, giving Gerrard the freedom of the park on the right hand side. He’ll have the security of Reece James behind him, who will occasionally join the attack but otherwise stay back and even tuck in as the RCB when Winterburn ventures forward.

Modric will pull the strings in the left 8 position, linking up with Nani whose 1v1 ability will give the team a different threat especially with Gerrard and Sturridge flooding forward to give him more targets in the area beyond Kane.

Sapient Hawk

Destiny's Hand 🖐🏿
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Country: Saudi Arabia

This team isn't drilled, it's forged!!

No playing out from the back garbage!! This team is always on the front foot.

Neville Southall, ever dependable & implacable, stands between the sticks awaiting any strikers foolish enough to take him head on.

In front of him are two veterans who know what it takes to lead title winning who are all action & no nonsense. The fullbacks to either side of them are as capable of making meddlesone forays into enemy territory as they are at snuffing out any marauding runs by would "speed merchants".

Chris Marsden, hewn from the same marble as the Titans he so gloriously resembles, is the rock on which my bastion is built. His vision stretches far beyond the horizon of mortal limits to better control the match & dictate instructions to his more tempestuous partner who is as batty as his surname suggests.

Andrei Kanchelskis & Paul Merson on their flanks are as unpredictable as they are gifted and will seek to befuddle the opposition into a false sense of security before setting up their strikers or pouncing themselves.

Bryan Roy, the more elegant of the two strikers, will use his silky touches & subtle flair to create chances from nothing for himself and, equally, pick spots through the defense from where the Mighty Quinn can tear through & effortlessly put the ball past the hapless keeper.


DJ Machodemiks
Dusted 🔻

Country: England

A balanced 4-4-1-1 side with plenty of goal threat and creativity.

RvN and McManaman I feel are self-explanatory as they are generational talents. Tevez will be playing the shadow striker role and whilst there are a few who could play that role, I picked Tevez specifically for his tenacity and harassing style, as opposed to the more elegant Berbatov and Sheringham who I also considered for this role. Can easily be a 4-4-2 with Tevez.

Okocha one of the goated African players of all time and I wanted some x factor and chaos to disrupt some of the admittedly formidable defenses in the draft. I feel he's the man to break a stalemate.

Yaya is one of the best midfielders in the history of the prem period, grossly underrated even today and had it all. He will be playing box to box with the solid, unspectacular but very decorated Nicky Buttplugs with more of a sitting role.

Whilst Baines and Sagna are arguably 2nd best of all time in their positions, collectively there isn't a better pair of fullbacks in the competition. The prem hasn't been spoiled with many top top fullbacks so I was very pleased to somehow snatch both, with Baines set pieces and goal threat greatly welcomed.

Hyypia I always rated and was an authoritive and extremely ambidextrous CB before it was cool, Vertongan is aight. Cech's Chelsea form got him in here.


Established Member

My team has the right balance of star power, pace, creativity and maturity throughout. Up front, we have Drogba on the middle with Martinelli on the left and Ljunberg on the right giving the defenders a hard time with their sprint. While the opponent defence is busy trying to play catch up, we have David Silva as the creative hub making those defence splitting passes and grabbing assists for fun.

Also, Robertson on the left and Azpilicueta on the right will overlap well with the wingers while also providing ample support for defence. They are both calm headed on defence and creative up front.

In the midfield, we have Gareth Barry who has been in some team's starting 11 ever since I started watching football for a decade. He will be in front of the defence protecting them while Gary McAllister will be the orchestrator from the central midfield who also provides ample goal scoring threat.

Central defence - Do I even have to give an intro to Mr. Arsenal Tony Adams? He is supported by Distin who is Mr Reliable. I don't see anyone breaking through them.

Overall, a rock solid defence, a midfield that doesn't **** around, a forward and wing full of pace and creativity. It's going to be a tough contest folks


Arséne Wenger: "I will miss you"

Country: Kosova


A balanced but fluid 4-2-3-1

I start with the keeper, who was the best League keeper during his EPL time and he is adapted to the modern way on how the games is played today.

Ahead of him, I have Alderweirled who is a very reliable centreback, composed on the ball and can provide cover in right back role when Lauren bombs forward.
On the other side, I have John Stones who although may be inexperienced, he is still is a very good reader of the game, but he is coupled with Stuart Pearce, the iconic PL defender who will be providing him support as well as with Fabinho who may drop deep.

It's difficult to imagine a more balanced midfield that mine. Fabinho will provide adequate cover in defensive midfield, while Essien is the midfield bruiser and the box-to-box option. There's hardly any midfielder who will be able to bypass them without a stiff challenge. Further ahead it is the iconic Le Tiss who was the first midfielder to score over 100 goals in PL era and is known to score plenty of goals by making direct/late runs into the box.

The less said about Aguero and Pires the better. Each of them a legend on their own, they provide plenty of goals and assist. Sane is teh less experienced one in PL but still a very useful winger as he provides with various options, on whether staying wide, attacking the half spaces etc...

Cup competiton:
If any of my H2H goes to penalties, it's not even a contest. One aspect that I thought when selecting my picks. You have Le Tiss who holds a record of scoring 47/48 penalties, Bobby Pires and Lauren used to be our designated penalty takers. Stuart Pearce used to be a penalty taker, as well as Aguero.

If needed, I am sure Fabinho, Essien, Sane and Toby will provide with more than adequate cover in extra penalty kicks.


5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (49)
Trusted ⭐

Country: England
Exact same set up again for me tbh (if it allows me to carry an extra pick if I don’t take any of Hawk’s players).

I’m happy with that similar to FPL.

When are you making the draw ?

I’ll do it as soon as I get back home or @albakos you can do it I don’t mind since certain people thought it was fixed :facepalm:
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Women kill for love and men kill because they hate to lose

Arsène Wenger

Daily Transfer Updates

Friday, May 31

Arsenal are interested in Benfica CB Antonio Silva, but will have to trigger his £85m release clause to sign the 20 year old [Correio de Manha]

Youngster Charles Sagoe Jr is set for a loan spell at League One side Charlton Athletic [Online Gooner]

Arsenal have moved on to targeting Benfica midfielder Joao Neves after Martin Zubamendi indicated a preference to remain in La Liga [Teamtalk]

Liverpool, Arsenal and Bayern Munich have all made an approach to PSV forward Johan Bakayoko [Hbvl]

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