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Champions League 2007/2008.


Established Member
didnt watch the match, didnt care to, but it was clearly a disaster since cashley, rooney, lampard and terry didnt break their legs. at least terry missed his penner. what a bunch of douchebags. look forward to kicking all their asses next season.


Established Member
I will second pretty much everything that Pádraig said. Of the two teams, Chelsea were the one I wanted to win the competition. Not wanted as in got dressed in blue and started chanting their players' names, obviously. But they just had a tiny bit of sympathy. Whereas United had none. It was brilliant to see Ronaldo not score his penalty – I hate it when players stop. Then as Terry went to take his, I said he will miss it. Well, he did. But to be completely honest that was like the single correct of half a dozen penalty predictions I made (usually saying Chelsea will miss and United score, eh), so I am no Nostradamus, hehe.

Anyway it did seem like a game of two halves. Manchester United could have easily been two or maybe even three goals up very quickly in the first half. In fact I was rather surprised to see Chelsea not change their approach that much after conceding. Sure, plenty of time left in the match, but I thought a team would want to equalize as soon as possible. In the end they did, but perhaps only with a bit of luck and whatnot. Then the second half was really in Chelsea's hands. I honestly think they should have scored another as full time approached fast. Drogba's shot was brilliant, so was Lampard unlucky as he hit the bar.

However, as I said earlier, I guess the same could be said about United and their initial pressure. About the referee, I thought he was very, mhm, cowardly. I do not want a referee that will blow his whistle every two minutes, no. But I do not want a referee that will not be both a figure of authority and a tool to make the game better. I thought his decision making (for both sides) was a bit below average at times. So it is not just about the red card – which I would have given myself. No matter what Vidic had said or done, you do not do that. Although then you have to ask why other incidents did not result in a card, for either side?

Still, it is not like it decided the game. Penalties did. And those are always a gamble. Someone put it very nicely – I would have preferred Ronaldo to be the crying loser, not Terry. And as you can imagine there can be little love lost on him at times, eh. So that's it. Manchester United are the champions after a decent enough match. I was hoping for maybe a greater spectacle, but it is not like it was a hugely disappointing game. Far from that. I can be quite nervous watching penalty shoot outs between two obscure sides, so you can imagine that it has been rather exciting in the end for me. Now if only we could see Arsenal in the final next year.


Well-Known Member
chelsea lost the game last night because of the disgusting culture that mourinho installed in that club..thinking they owned referees and could do waht they wanted..
drogba is a disgrace...- and deserved all he got..

man utd though have to be the luckiest team in football to have won both trophies given how they have played in the last 2 months..
we demolished them at old trafford and last nigth chelsea should have hammered them secodn half..
now we gotta hear all this fifty years since munich stuff all over again


Established Member
Fergie wants to defend the CL? :lol:

That hasn't happened during my entire lifetime! I wasn't born yet when AC Milan won it again on May 1990 (I was born in July).

And I doubt he can even muster another run in it, unless of course he adds to the club's debt (buy players in astronomical prices), a debt in which even winning the CL 4 straight years can't pay for. Unless they can actually do the quadruple 5 straight times (title = 40m x 5, CL 80m x 5, FA and CC = 30m x 5). :lol:


Established Member
Didn't watch it - don't care coz we ain't there............but I hope AW realises that the 2 clubs that finished 1 - 2 in the EPL & contested the CL Final have large, quality and experienced squads.


Established Member
Happy United won. Ronaldo lifting the CL is bad enough, but the thought of Terry, Lampard and Cole winning it before we do makes me physically sick.

And how fitting that John Terry, the biggest **** in the universe bar none, missed his penalty. 'Av it you prick.

Oh yeah, Ronaldo was horrible.


Established Member
kel varnsen said:
meh, not impressed by either side neither today nor this past season. decent, solid sides, but unspectacular. if we add a bit of depth, we'll overtake them both next season.

I love your posts Kel. There is this aura of confidence in all your statements, ever thought of being a priest?


Active Member
Thank God United won. The thought of Chelsea being the first London side to win it, to have won it before us, Cole having his hands on the trophy, as well as Drogba, Terry, Lampard and the rest of those ****s, my life would not be worth living believe me.

I honestly can't believe any true Gooner would want Chelsea to win, at least United are a proper club and not some two bob club who got incredibly lucky and derserve absoloutley no success whatsoever.

Great to see Terry miss, I can just imagine him smugly putting the ball down, planning his celebration, dreaming of tommorows headlines. ****.


i think its funny that people keep going on about Terry's miss... yes, i am glad Chelsea didnt win (ManU winning was the lesser of 2 evils I suppose), but Terry cant be blamed for them losing...

he pulled a Beckham, slipped on his kick and hit the outside of the post... however, at that point, the teams were then TIED.. Chelsea had every chance in the world after that to win it, but 2 things happened... Cech cant save a penalty to save his life (Ronaldo's being the exception - but in general, Cech is not a good penalty saver) and Anelka actually missed the kick that handed United the trophy...

i know Terry was in tears about missing, and he had every right to... i intensely dislike the guy, and im glad he missed, but he didnt actually lose them the trophy.... he just failed to win them the trophy...

meh, hated seeing United lift the trophy though... but it was good to see the little ginger-haired c*nt get his nose broken....


AM Resident Joker #1
lee1001 said:
kel varnsen said:
meh, not impressed by either side neither today nor this past season. decent, solid sides, but unspectacular. if we add a bit of depth, we'll overtake them both next season.

I love your posts Kel. There is this aura of confidence in all your statements, ever thought of being a priest?

If Kel becomes a priest, you lot better bring lots of sunblocks to the other end, 'cause you know it'll be glowing red down there.

I watched the game with the most neutral feeling ever, in fact this is the first cup final game that I've never rooted for a particular team to win it.
The only thing I hoped for was for both teams to be plagued with crazy injuries during the match and they will last for at least 6 months, but being an Arsenal supporter, wishing injuries to happen to other players will only smack us back in the face and it is so fitting to hear RvP is doing his best to play in Euro08. I just hope he will be fit for us next season.

Anyways, I thought the whole match was so-so, with Drogba got a sending off for "slapping" Vidic being the pinnacle of the night that could only be topped with Jane Turkey's piss poor penalty kick attempt. I don't care he missed the PK because he slipped, I just care he slipped like a stupid cow.

Cronaldo's PK miss was a good humor too, the only thing missing was his crying face. I don't know whether his style of taking PKs is legal or not, but I guess every pony must have a bushy tail to hide its little ding dongs.

Congrats to Man Utd for winning it. I hope they'll go into receivership next season.

All hail Manchester City!


Established Member
Still think Chelsea are the best at getting a result. I think its pretty unbelievable that they managed to get where they did this season when you consider the injuries to key players. The quality of their and depth of their squad is pretty remarkable. Of course it is a machine articficially created (financial doping and all that), but thats the devil we face. Next season, they'll be smarting too.


Established Member
Mostarac said:
Funny how nobody mentions that ugly mug Vidic clearly said something to provoke Drogba`s reaction, either he said something strongly explicit or it was racial abuse, would not surprise me because Vidic has done this before(succeeded in getting opposition players to react in different ways because of provocations).

I don't think that's true at all, it was Drogba's actions that were inciting Vidic. It is more likely that Vidic had waded in to stop Drogba harassing his teammates. Even after he'd slapped Vidic, Drogba continued to walk around the group randomly pushing people for no reason. I remarked on it to my mates at the time. He deliberately tries to rile the opposition players into a reaction and that's what he did to Vidic. He had hold of Vidic somehow and when Vidic batted his arms off his shirt Drogba reacted with that petulant idiotic slap. Drogba's f*cking lucky John Terry was standing by to prevent Vidic from flooring the c*nt because he flipped out after the slap.

But that's exactly what Drogba was looking for. He doesn't get involved in these situations to help matters and calm them down, he gets involved to provoke and intimidate people, the only difference being that this time the referee recognised his antics and rightfully sent him off. Drogba is a f*cking cheating b*stard who deserves to leave his club and this country in disgrace. The Premier League will be well rid of his antics and his attitude.

I only wish the problem with all the Chelsea players' attitudes could be addressed. The way they conduct themselves is a disgrace and is the result of arrogant, self centred, ignorant management, from their Chaiman and Chief Executive down to that a*sehole Mourinho when he was in charge. The sooner that club appoints some players and staff with a bit of dignity and humility the better. I mean, that attitude and 'above the law' mentality has even filtered down to their groundstaff as that business with Patrice Evra showed.

Oh, and don't even get me started on the fans, especially since they caused trouble in London last night. These arrogant ****** are so ignorant of their club's mediocrity, in the grand scheme of things, that they can't even take defeat with a bit of good grace. There was inevitably going to be trouble from the Chelsea fans because the attitude of everyone involved with the club is so unbelievably blinkered that they've actually convinced themselves that they rightfully deserve to win everything hands down (thank you very much Mr Abramovich and Mr. Mourinho). All these idiots, from the chaiman, through the players and the fans need to get a grip of themselves and realise that they are not invincible, they don't deserve to win everything, there's no conspiracy against them and at least try and act just a tiny bit humble. Otherwise, as Peter Kenyon hopes, they may become the biggest brand in the world - but they will also become the most hated as well. They've even got neutral fans supporting Man U, and I never thought I'd see that day. :eek:


Established Member
Trusted ⭐

Anyway, i realised Cech is one of the worst keeper when it comes to penalty.

The other pathetic penalty keep i have seen was oswaldo sanchez


Established Member
If you think Vidic is an angel, you could not be more wrong, McIntyre. For those who have watched him play for other teams than Manchester United will know that the mug is an well-known provocator. Very good footballer, but I really can`t stand him. Also to say that Vidic would have taken care of Drogba in a physical altercation is downright funny, Drogba would have eaten him for breakfast.


Well-Known Member
For me it was the greater of two evils winning.....They have the double...Drogba's on pitch behaviour catches up to him, although the ref was pretty weak throughout the game.....He never set a tone from the get go....At times the players were running the show....He never dealt with players surrounding him, all that blah, blah, blah....Was not at all impressed with this ref..........This was an example of a lucky Manu team winning, after Chelsea took over late in the 1st quarter......And pretty much dominated the 2nd half..........What a lucky bunch........And SAF had the gall to say they deserved it......What a pile of crap........

Can't understand why football doesn't go to a different format to end a stalemate...... This shootout business is crummy......Really hate it....No shame for the loser, but what a way to lose.........


Established Member
Mostarac said:
If you think Vidic is an angel, you could not be more wrong, McIntyre. For those who have watched him play for other teams than Manchester United will know that the mug is an well-known provocator. Very good footballer, but I really can`t stand him. Also to say that Vidic would have taken care of Drogba in a physical altercation is downright funny, Drogba would have eaten him for breakfast.

I assume you mean in a fist fight because Vidic OWNED Drogba last night. Something an Arsenal defender can only dream about.


Established Member
Mostarac said:
If you think Vidic is an angel, you could not be more wrong, McIntyre. For those who have watched him play for other teams than Manchester United will know that the mug is an well-known provocator. Very good footballer, but I really can`t stand him. Also to say that Vidic would have taken care of Drogba in a physical altercation is downright funny, Drogba would have eaten him for breakfast.

Trust me, I don't think Vidic is an angel at all. I can't stand the majority of the United team and Vidic is no different, I've seen him wade into arguments that don't concern him and use dirty tactics during a match but compared to Drogba he's a f*cking saint. Drogba is just completely reprehensible, and it's no wonder he and Vidic don't get on too well after he concussed him a few weeks ago. That was Vidic's fault I know, but the way Drogba went to play act injury, having just kneed somebody in the face, then stopped feigning injury only when he realised Vidic was properly injured infuriated me. The guy just has no scruples and will cheat unashamedly as long as he comes out victorious. He tarnishes his reputation a hundred times a game and I'm glad he's finally got his just desserts for his disgraceful actions.

And as for the business of who would win a fight, just look at the way Vidic throws himself into every challenge without any concern for his own welfare. I think you could knock Vidic out a million times over and he'd still keep coming back because he's just a big dumb lug. Whereas Drogba has an overwhelming sense of self preservation. I can see him wading in with a few slaps of a similar ilk to the one last night then backing off, but never actually throwing a punch. Drogba is all front and no action, there's a number of players who were on the pitch last night who I'd back to give Drogba a pasting (Rooney, Ballack, Terry, Essien, even little scrappers like Hargreaves and Cole would have a good go, or the ultimate in big talk and no action, Rio). Just because you're a big guy doesn't mean you're tough or, more importantly, that you know HOW to fight. Drogba insists on proving his cowardice by acting like a wet lettuce and going down like a sack of spuds every time someone comes within three feet of him during a game. I just couldn't see him in a proper fight.

Arsenal Quotes

When I arrived, an Arsenal share was worth £800; it subsequently rose continuously in value and by the time I left it stood at £17,000.

Arsène Wenger: My Life in Red and White

Daily Transfer Updates

Tuesday, June 4

Feyenoord GK Justin Bijlow could be acquired for little over €10m [The Athletic]

Other clubs believe Arsenal are in position to sign Benjamin Šeško [The Athletic]

Arsenal are not expected to pursue their interest in Bruno Guimaraes due to his £100m asking price [The Athletic]

Martin Zubimendi and Joao Neves are under consideration as potential signings in midfield [The Athletic]

Arsenal want £30m to sell Emile Smith Rowe, with several Premier League clubs interested [TBR Football]

Arsenal & AC Milan have approached & probed the environment of Girona winger Viktor Tsygankov (26), who has a €30m release clause [Diarioas]

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