Country: Canada
I think this just got released today. Has anyone played it yet?
I'm on the fence, I liked both demos but have heard some bad stuff about the full PES game (though also about FIFA). This comparison review does not paint a good picture for PES.Have to say I enjoyed the demo for this more than FIFA. Largely because I just bought a PS4 and hadn't played proper PES (PC was the old gen version) in a while. FIFA has just gotten so unbelievably stale to me.
Haven't played either long enough to sniff out any problems though, but PES felt better to me.
I'm on the fence, I liked both demos but have heard some bad stuff about the full PES game (though also about FIFA). This comparison review does not paint a good picture for PES.
I only play Career/Pro mode, and PES is wayyy better. I must say that they get the decision making bang on.Have to say I enjoyed the demo for this more than FIFA. Largely because I just bought a PS4 and hadn't played proper PES (PC was the old gen version) in a while. FIFA has just gotten so unbelievably stale to me.
Haven't played either long enough to sniff out any problems though, but PES felt better to me.
yeah, they cannot even get ball physics right after years of trying.I tried to play it on cracked version and you can't defend in top player or superstar difficulty you'll end up conceding 3 goals a game I just gave up about FIFA and PES both are become joke. Just sell it to 2K
I tried to play it on cracked version and you can't defend in top player or superstar difficulty you'll end up conceding 3 goals a game I just gave up about FIFA and PES both are become joke. Just sell it to 2K
From their NBA games are quality specially gameplay. Or sell it to ubisoft I doubt they'll be interested because they don't make sport gamesI would like to see 2k given a shot at making a football game. Would be interesting to see what they'd come up with.
I would like to see 2k given a shot at making a football game. Would be interesting to see what they'd come up with.
All down to licensing, I'm not overly informed on how it all works but until any developer can pick up the licenses for whichever league or club they like then fifa will continue to dominate and no new developers will get involved.
As much as gameplay is key, having to use North London Red vs Red Brick Utd is still a major turn off for most.
You can download free option files that correct all the kits and team names though, but your average player probably doesn't know or would prefer them to be there out of the box.
I thought this option was only available on PS4 and thats why the xbox player base is a wasteland?
In the last-gen it was available on both ps3 and x360 (and pc), but currently it's only ps4 (and pc) because microsoft haven't allowed image sharing as of now.
Thats not why xb1 is a wastleand though, the playstation has always been the lead platform since the ps1, developed on first, so it gained the largest playerbase. Xbox has always had smaller numbers of pes players since the original xbox.
Agree with your point, but I've seen a lot of comments in other places about not being able to download option files for kits etc being a huge turn off for xbox users.
I thought the first PES for xbox was PES 6 on 360.
I don't see it that way. I play both and they are both just okay.Pes is and will always be the hipster alternative
never really any improvement with FIFA, they just dress it up in better graphics.Considering buying Pes this year. First football game to have Celtic Park in it.
Also feel fifa has gone stale. I think a switch every other year should help freshen it up.