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Alexis Sanchez: Off to the Old Toilet

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Real name: Ragip Xh...

Country: England


Well-Known Member
Yeah but football is a team sport, no individual should be placed above reproach. Look at Martin Keown, he wasn't half the footballer say Henry or Bergkamp was but if they did something stupid he'd give them a bollocking.
Getting a bollocking from someone for shooting when that person does worse from even stupider positions is something to get pissed about.

It's not about being above reproach, it's knowing that creative players try things they shouldn't and when you start pulling them up for taking a shot of all things then you're doing it wrong. Sanchez had taken 1 shot from outside the box the entire game, 3rd one blazing over the bar fair enough have a go, but 1 shot you encourage and move on.


Hates A-M, Saka, Arteta and You
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Country: England
Hate to seem like a Ramsey fan boy (because truthfully he is underperforming so far this season, but I'll save that for the other thread) but if you're referring to that moment where Alexis supposedly told Rambo to do one, Alexis was genuinely at fault. Monreal seriously hauled ass to give Sanchez an option and instead he selfishly skied one over the bar. I love Alexis as much as any gooner but he can make mistakes too, just like everybody else. And if you **** up an attacking play - whether your name is Sanchez, Ramsey, or Giroud - you should expect your teammates to tell you about it. It's no big deal, you acknowledge your fault and then you all get your heads down and crack on with the next one.

Regardless of how important Sanchez is to our squad, we gooners have to stop treating him and Özil like gods who are above everyone else. At the end of the day they are both just blokes kicking a football about.
Realest post. This is something I've been guilty of as well.


Well-Known Member
Hate to seem like a Ramsey fan boy (because truthfully he is underperforming so far this season, but I'll save that for the other thread) but if you're referring to that moment where Alexis supposedly told Rambo to do one, Alexis was genuinely at fault. Monreal seriously hauled ass to give Sanchez an option and instead he selfishly skied one over the bar. I love Alexis as much as any gooner but he can make mistakes too, just like everybody else. And if you **** up an attacking play - whether your name is Sanchez, Ramsey, or Giroud - you should expect your teammates to tell you about it. It's no big deal, you acknowledge your fault and then you all get your heads down and crack on with the next one.

Regardless of how important Sanchez is to our squad, we gooners have to stop treating him and Özil like gods who are above everyone else. At the end of the day they are both just blokes kicking a football about.

Or maybe the monreal run took a defender away and gave Sanchez the chance to get a shot off. Movement from other players creates space for the player with the ball.


Hates A-M, Saka, Arteta and You
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Country: England
Getting a bit annoyed with Alexis' attitude if I'm honest. Yeah great he wants to win, but sulking all the time is just stupid.
Me too.

You're the main man now, don't just embrace it when we're winning. Sometimes moaning and yelling is the best way to lead but there's a limit. Ronaldo is a player I've long disliked for his attitude but I saw a different side to him at the euros. The way he lead that Portugal team was exemplary, he earned my respect big time.

It doesn't help that his attitude is giving the media vultures something to feast on. That article about him not speaking to his teammates could be completely bullshit only written because of his reaction at the end of the game.


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Most of the time I find him quite encouraging, it’s usually only in the later stages that stuff really starts to grate on him. I remember there was a moment recently were Ramsey/Özil turned away in disgust when Iwobi hit a bad pass, but Alexis applauded the effort.

Have to laugh how deliberately he ignores some players, like when Coq sprinted into an overlap position against West Brom. :lol:


Active Member
Or maybe the monreal run took a defender away and gave Sanchez the chance to get a shot off. Movement from other players creates space for the player with the ball.
Thanks for explaining football to me but I think I get it! If you look again at that moment though you'll see no one is marking Monreal who is running into open space on the left flank and could easily have sent a cross in (1:09)



Head of the Wayne foundation for benching Nketiah

Country: USA

Wish we had a few more with his winning mentality, team has far to many bottling losers who were probably proud of themselves for drawing last night.
I do feel bad for Sanchez though, he never stops for us, 100% all the time. He came back to his own half, around 30 yards from his own goal, to get the ball and try and make one last attack in the 95th minute. But yet pricks like Ramsey think they can have a go at him and shout orders.
He's gone in the summer and I'll ****ing hate this club for it! We wont find anyone else on his level as a replacement.
Ramsey is one of the most despicable characters I've ever had the misfortune of watching. 1 and a quarter good seasons in a career and he thinks he's David Beckham. I hate him. I really do.
Hate to seem like a Ramsey fan boy (because truthfully he is underperforming so far this season, but I'll save that for the other thread) but if you're referring to that moment where Alexis supposedly told Rambo to do one, Alexis was genuinely at fault. Monreal seriously hauled ass to give Sanchez an option and instead he selfishly skied one over the bar. I love Alexis as much as any gooner but he can make mistakes too, just like everybody else. And if you **** up an attacking play - whether your name is Sanchez, Ramsey, or Giroud - you should expect your teammates to tell you about it. It's no big deal, you acknowledge your fault and then you all get your heads down and crack on with the next one.

Regardless of how important Sanchez is to our squad, we gooners have to stop treating him and Özil like gods who are above everyone else. At the end of the day they are both just blokes kicking a football about.
I agree in theory but coming from Ramsey the king of taking selfish shots and trying to be a hero it's a bit much. He's done nothing for 3 years. Alexis has got to have just a wee bit more leeway than Ramsey given their statures within the game of football and relative contributions to the club.


Active Member
I agree in theory but coming from Ramsey the king of taking selfish shots and trying to be a hero it's a bit much.
It doesn't matter who it's coming from, if you make a mistake, expect to hear about it. Sanchez took an unlikely shot when Monreal, who had bust a lung to make the overlap, was wide open. It was a bad decision, Ramsey got frustrated. Whatever, it happens. No need to flip the lid

Country: Iceland
Thanks for explaining football to me but I think I get it! If you look again at that moment though you'll see no one is marking Monreal who is running into open space on the left flank and could easily have sent a cross in (1:09)

Tbf. Sanchez doesn't have same vision as the person watching the game in television.


Head of the Wayne foundation for benching Nketiah

Country: USA

It doesn't matter who it's coming from, if you make a mistake, expect to hear about it. Sanchez took an unlikely shot when Monreal, who had bust a lung to make the overlap, was wide open. It was a bad decision, Ramsey got frustrated. Whatever, it happens. No need to flip the lid
Nobody's flipping a lid. I agree, people should be called out for their mistakes. All I'm saying is that it's a bit much when the person most guilty of committing said mistake is the one calling someone else out over it. Ramsey ignores a teammate and takes a stupid shot that misses the goal at least once a match. He really should only be frustrated with himself.


Active Member
Tbf. Sanchez doesn't have same vision as the person watching the game in television.
No but as a professional winger you would think he'd know that if he held the ball up his fullback would eventually overlap. But I really don't want to give Sanchez too much stick here, like I said, it happens and it's not a big deal.
Nobody's flipping a lid. I agree, people should be called out for their mistakes. All I'm saying is that it's a bit much when the person most guilty of committing said mistake is the one calling someone else out over it. Ramsey ignores a teammate and takes a stupid shot that misses the goal at least once a match. He really should only be frustrated with himself.
I don't know dude, sounds like you're only taking issue with it because it was a player you don't like, which shouldn't matter imo.


Hates Journalists Named James
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I'm struggling to care about his reaction to Ramsey, especially considering Ramsey always throws his arms up in the air and complains when someone doesn't give him the ball in a shooting position.



Country: Canada
Why does he sulk?

Because he cares. Because he has ambition. Who else in the squad could you honestly say that about.

Let the man sulk.
I would say everyone in the squad cares and has ambition. You don't get to this level without it. Alexis wears his heart on his sleeve more than some others, and has a bit more of a desperate drive to him. These are good things up until they aren't. It's a team game and it is important to be a good team mate as well as just wanting to win.

Regardless, I was more referring to him no talking to his team mates after the game, but I've read that may not have been true anyway. So yeah, let him sulk on the field a bit if it doesn't go well, so long as he isn't a problem in the room or distancing himself off the field and causing pointless drama.


Very interesting when you think about it.

We complain about lack of passion, heart, balls etc. We get a player that exemplifies these qualities perhaps more that anyone else in the WORLD, but then we complain about him showing those exact qualities.

"I wish Alexis wouldn't scream at his teammates "

"Enough with the sulking"

Interesting to think about how his everyday interactions with his teammates must be tbh. I'd imagine there must be some sort of jealousy/resentment there. Like at work when the new guy outworks everyone.

Alexis is an absolute godsend to this club imo. Sure he's incredibly talented, but his mentality is what we really need. Its the exact opposite of the weak, loser mentality that has held us back all these years.

Criticize his mistakes on the field, sure. But ffs, don't criticize his passion or his disdain for mediocrity. Its exactly what we need at this club.


I would say everyone in the squad cares and has ambition. You don't get to this level without it. Alexis wears his heart on his sleeve more than some others, and has a bit more of a desperate drive to him. These are good things up until they aren't. It's a team game and it is important to be a good team mate as well as just wanting to win.

Regardless, I was more referring to him no talking to his team mates after the game, but I've read that may not have been true anyway. So yeah, let him sulk on the field a bit if it doesn't go well, so long as he isn't a problem in the room or distancing himself off the field and causing pointless drama.

I see what your saying but I would argue there's a much bigger gulf in ambition between Alexis and the rest of the squad than what you suggest. It shines through on the pitch every week.

If almost feels unnatural to have such a hard worker in the squad, because of the culture we've developed at this club. But for us to truly move forward as a club, I believe we need to focus much more on hard work, discipline, all those things Alexis embodies.

Just look at the last few years. Leicester winning the league. Chelsea now. Liverpool. Even Sp**s. All these teams are benefiting greatly from a high intensity, high energy approach.

For me, Alexis embodies exactly where we need to be heading as a club. 10x more important than Özil imho.
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