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Back again, trying to drum up interest (and support) in a book I am writing about Arsenal shares

Would you buy this book? Would you donate to Kickstarter fund?

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Just about a decade ago, I created a post asking for support and feedback for a book I was writing on my great-grandfather, Sir Henry Norris. I got some good feedback, and some bad.
Well, that book is scrapped. I actually had a publisher, but I just could not finish it -- it was to dry. And boring.
I have a new book ideas: I want to buy one Arsenal share (from Kroenke, Usmanov, or Piers Morgan). I don't want it for the money, or to reclaim our lost name / prominence/reputation, or anything like that. In fact, when I buy it, I will administer it like they do at The Arsenal Supporters Trust.
I plan to raise money on a crowd funding site (Kickstarter). It's not finalized yet, but it will look something like this;
If you donate money toward buying the share, and me writing the book, you will own a percentage -- a part of one share. say, a £100 donation will mean a 1/25th ownership of one share of Arsenal. But this ratio will have to be worked out.
I will include a link to the general synopsis, a list of chapters, and the (just-about) completed 1st chapter.
Also, please answer my poll question(s).
More to follow. I will be posting regularly.

Had to provide info as "Responses." Sorry.

Geoff Thomas
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Elevator Pitch

Historically, sports fans could not name the owner of a single professional team; they revered and identified with the players. Today, infamous owners steal the spotlight from the child-like joy of playing the game. In his efforts to buy one share of Arsenal F.C. (from one of the two primary, feudal shareholders), the author – whose great-grandfather was founder, and 1st Chairman of the club – will reflect on how avarice and machismo in the boardroom is ruining the beautiful game.

Concept Statement

In most professional sports, nouveau-riche dilettantes are purchasing professional teams in order to catapult their egos into the public eye. Make billions, make a purchase (Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester City), make headlines. For generations, the average fan has identified with his team as a representation of the values and viability of his city. Now, foreign owners manipulate the history and principles of the team for profit and notoriety.

For example, the new owner of Hull City AFC (Assem Allam) decided to change the club’s name to Hull Tigers. Thousands of fans protested changing the 106-year-old name. When Allam’s request was denied, the Egyptian petulantly decided to sell the club, saying: “he would not invest a penny more in the club unless he is allowed to change the club's name to Hull Tigers…I have never been a football fan. I am still not a football fan.”

Two foreign billionaires are battling for control of Arsenal F.C.; between them they own 95% of the shares. Presumably, they want the team to win, but any genuine and concerned contact with ordinary fans is perfunctory and patronizing.

My great-grandfather, Sir Henry Norris, was the founder and first Chairman of Arsenal. He was no saint (he was banished from football, and any involvement with Arsenal in 1929), but he had a feel for the common man. This book will chronicle the efforts of Norris’ ancestors to remind sports fans of their integral role in the history and glory of professional sports. We love and follow a team of players, cheering their loyalty to our team -- win or lose. Not concerned about the owners and board members pulling strings, mostly for profit.

The ancestors of Sir Henry Norris seek to re-affirm the reasons why fans care, why they cheer. We hope for a return to simpler times when the game meant more than financial gamesmanship. We will draw attention to the fetid state of football ownership by attempting to purchase one Arsenal share, and then share it with real Arsenal supporters.
Chapter Outlines

Chapter 1à Why Share?

  • A general, conceptual explanation of the idea of fairness and why people share.

  • What an individual should expect (in society) as a right to “get” what they may not deserve. What reason a person has to share with others.

  • Touch briefly upon the overall premise of the book: convincing three very rich men to sell one share of Arsenal F.C. to the author.

  • Some strategies that may convince one of these men to sell one share. The likelihood of the author purchasing a share.

  • A history of the author, why he feels (somewhat) entitled to one share, and his plans to administer the share. What systems / decisions / circumstances intervened that stopped the author from owning a soccer club worth U.S.$1,400 million.

  • Basic and introductory plans to raise money, and share the share (with Arsenal fans).

  • Suggestions of why and how the business of football has been sullied by greed, and how this book will attempt to address that.

    Chapter 2à Morality and Legitimacy of Foreign Ownership, and Corporate involvement in Professional Sports Teams
  • How has ownership changed in sport? Better or worse?

  • Individual owners -- billionaires? Foreign owners. Commitment to the city?

  • Corporations and companies sponsor teams and arenas. All College Football Bowl Games are named after corporations or products.

  • Saskatchewan Rough Riders in the C.F.L. and The Green Bay Packers are owned by a collective of fans ( a rarity, today)

  • Greed. Win at all cost? Club owners as celebrities (Mark Kuban, owner of Dallas Mavericks in N.B.A. is most famous Maverick).
  • Salary caps. Transfer windows. Foreign ownership, accountability to fans. Mercenary ideology (Stan Kroenke just moved his N.F.L. team from St. Louis to Los Angeles – to make more money)

    Chapter 3à Social Media preparation

  • Creating a money-raising campaign to research and write the book (travel to meet the three main shareholders).

  • Creating the Kickstarter account (to raise money to travel [if possible], buy the share, and write the book). The content, approach, lay-out of the campaign. Writing the copy, what images, our financial goals we need to reach.

  • Explain to potential donors exactly what we intend to do, the purpose of book, and how they can help and benefit in the process.

  • Model Kickstarter campaign after Arsenal Supporters Trust (people will donate a certain amount, say £250, and donor will own a certain percentage of the Arsenal share). Before we put it officially “up on-line”, we need to petition all my hardcore Arsenal Twitter followers (over1000) to gauge interest in donating). Re-join Arsenal-Mania blog and post a plea for donations (there are over 91,300 registered bloggers --will they donate?). Contact ALL of our friends and family (donate?), and spread word on-line

  • Reach out to soccer blogs (they’re huge, with tons of fans). Offer to write a story (When Saturday Comes, The Half-Decent Football Magazine, FourFourTwo.com, Arsenal.com). Write a tongue in cheek article about how ordinary bloke is pushed out by oligarchs, and how one small Canadian is fighting back to make football whole again. Of course, include a link in these articles to our Kickstarter account.

    Chapter 4à Social Media Real-time (one month campaign)
  • It’s a month long campaign, so this chapter will be written in real time.

  • Interesting stories, reactions from donors (or people who think we are crazy, or greedy)

  • Challenges, responses, feedback, amounts of money raised, interactions with donors, suggestions, changes of course, will we raise the money?

  • Is there interest? Create tension as our goal grows closer…or not.

  • Explain in detail the reward system (how a donor would become a part owner – at what amount pledged?). Other possible rewards for different donation amounts

    Chapter 5àShares
  • An over-all, overarching idea of what a ‘share’ in a company is (in general)

    · How fundamental shareholders / ownership works in most companies.

    · How Arsenal’s shareholding / ownership works. Arsenal has a specific and particular way of trading shares. Mention their one ‘orphan’ share.

  • How often Arsenal shares are traded. New laws of making shares available

  • Highlight and explain the historical and ongoing battle of Kroenke and Usmanov battling to acquire more shares.

  • Why Arsenal has so few shares, why, and what that means
Chapter 6àApproaching the Big Three Shareholders (Kroenke, Usmanov, Morgan)

  • From whom did the big three acquire most of their Arsenal shares? Who were they, and why are they significant? What was their role in the history and development of Arsenal (most were former owners, or children of former owners)

  • Talk a little about these former owners and offspring -- their stories, their participation in the team (then and now). What family took over from whom over the years? Are they part of the solution, or, having sold their shares and now fabulously rich (as sell-offs), part of the problem?

    · Their legacy.Are any still serving on Arsenal boards?Any influence still?
  • The main focus should be on the three prime shareholders:

  • Who they are? How did they make their money? How desperately do they want to keep their shares? Is there any reason they might sell? Their morals? Their positions in society? Any charity angle? Religion? Scandals?

  • Who to approach 1st, and how? Guerrilla techniques? Professional interviews and approaches? Through accepted channels, or bash down doors?

  • Getting our story in the media: papers, the news, T.V. -- especially in Texas, Moscow and London. Moral support from fans and celebrities, and sports figures, politicians. Look for sympathy from rich, famous, and ordinary people. Put pressure on shareholders to sell.

  • Social and Mass media. Internet saturation. Get “celebrities” to support our cause. You Tube Channel. Various Internet applications. Use technology to get the word out to everyone. Like Morgan Spurlock’s “The Greatest Movie ever Sold. ”http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1743720/

    Chapter 7àInteracting with Kroenke à

    Almost a real time account, day-to-day reports of how and where we approached him: our motivation and rationale. Letters, emails we wrote in advance. His responses to our personal correspondence, and to media saturation. Will he meet in person? We report and comment on all of our correspondence and conversations (with him, and staff). Camping outside his office with a megaphone. Ambush him on street – again, his responses and reactions. Letters & emails to his son (on the Arsenal Board), his wife, and their responses. Told anecdotally. Funny. Our hang-dog perseverance against his rejection of us.

    Chapter 8àInteracting with Usmanov à

    Almost a real time account, day-to-day reports of how and where we approached him: our motivation and rationale. Letters, emails we wrote in advance. His responses to our personal correspondence, and to media saturation. Will he meet on-line (Skype? Video Chat?) We report and comment on all of our correspondence and conversations (with him, and staff). Letters & emails to his family and staff, and their responses. Told anecdotally. Funny. Our hang-dog perseverance against his rejection of us.

    Chapter 9àInteracting with Morgan à

    Almost a real time account, day-to-day reports of how and where we approached him: our motivation and rationale. Letters, emails we wrote in advance. His responses and reactions to our personal correspondence, and to media saturation. Letters to newspapers he works for. Call-ins to T.V. shows he hosts. Will he meet in person? We report and comment on all of our correspondence and conversations (with him, and staff). Camping outside his office with a megaphone. Ambush him on street – again, his responses. Letters & emails to his son, his wife, and their responses. Told anecdotally. Funny, Our hang-dog perseverance against his rejection of us.

    Chapter 10àFamily Response
  • Introductions of every Norris ancestor, dead or alive. Where and how they fit into puzzle. Were they Arsenal supporters? Still are? Report on their general, over-all position and status in life.

  • Ask for help on how to approach the whole matter? Is what I am attempting outrageous? Feasible? Embarrassing? Self-aggrandizing? Get honest opinions and feedback from all of my relatives?

  • Letters and emails to my relatives in The U.K. Requests for insight, background information.

    · Anecdotal stories, memories, photos of Norris himself.

    · Because I am so distant from my relatives in the U.K., there will need to be honest and comprehensive discussion about the legitimacy and purpose of this project.
Chapter 11àFan Response and Perspectives

  • Is what we are asking for justified? Does it make sense? Is it more of a selfish chip-on-shoulder quest for retribution and recognition? Do fans support the idea? How are they responding? What are some of their suggestions? Do the fans agree with how the share will be distributed / shared? Is it an exercise in futility? Do fans actually prefer owners with huge wallets (that allow tem more of a chance to win)?

    Chapter 12à Is There a Point to All This? Philosophical and Real-World Relevance?

  • Is this really an issue? Is it an issue worth tackling (with so many greater and more important issues in the world)?

  • Where does this exercise stack up against big issues like world hunger, the refugee crisis, or war? Or issues like literacy rates, deforestation, or global warming? Or homelessness, depression, a stubbed toe?

  • Is this book something of a pet project that is taking time and energy away from important issues?

  • What role does sport play in people’s lives? Does it provide meaning? Hope?

  • Would sport be better off if teams were worse (caliber, skill)? Would fans be happier watching a bunch of local lads play in a Beer League?

  • Does sport represent an escape for people? A chance to live vicariously, (and identify, and win, and cheer) through the exploits of others? Is there anything wrong with that?

  • Who is to say Prime-time, professional football should not be a big business – it brings joy, jobs, and purpose to millions.

    Chapter 13à Tilting at Windmills – The Reality of Corporate and Billionaire involvement (whether we like it or not)
  • Historical, detailed, and forecasting trends of how and why the world has taken on such a corporate agenda.

  • How business affects every facet of our life (with a focus on sport, media, and leisure time).

  • What it would take to opt out. Why would anybody -- even the nay-saying alarmists – want to? How would they do it?

  • Examples of how big business and a corporate focus have advanced many aspects of humankind. Examples of how it has hurt.

  • Interviews and reactions with the big three shareholders. Why they do what they do. Feel as they feel. Interpret the world, their actions, and how their actions affect the world.

  • Reaction from Arsenal. They are a huge corporation, but are doing many remarkable things for individuals, communities, and those in need. Same for Kroenke and Usmaov who use their wealth and influence for good.

  • Pros and cons of Foreign ownership, and influence (Corporate influence as well).

  • What benefits would there be to going back to good old days?

    Chapter 14àWas the Exercise and Process Successful (has anything about the workings of Football, and Big Business changed?)
  • Essentially, a personal reflection (my opinions) to the questions and positions raised in Chapter 13.

  • Do I feel as dedicated and convicted as I did at the start of the process?

  • Am I part of the problem? The solution? Does it have to be that cut and dried (problem vs. solution)?

  • What are some things that could change to bring about a better sense of fairness and equality? Would everyone agree to suggestions? Would they buy in?

  • What will football look like in the future? Is it getting better or worse?

  • How about the world in the future? Better or worse…but certainly inevitable.

    Chapter 15àDid we buy the share? What are our plans whether we were successful, or not?
  • To be determined...but everything will be filtered through the analysis and consideration of the whole book (especially Chapters 12,13,14).

  • Certainly, if successful, the share will be shared / split up among Arsenal fans.

  • If unsuccessful, any extra monies earned (from Kickstarter fund) will be donated to Arsenal Supporters Trust

  • If Unsuccessful, the author will use the contacts and insight gained to get on the corporate bandwagon, and get a (well-paying and cushy) job at Arsenal.
Chapter 1

Why Share?

Why share? Why give freely to others – even strangers? Without a return on your investment, what human condition possesses us to relinquish our possessions? What is mine is mine, and like the old saying: never get between a hungry dog and his bone.

But humans do overcome primal hoarding instincts with rationalizations and motivations. People are often and generally considerate: a boy has a soccer ball, and shares it so that everyone can play. The boy displays compassion: he has five balls, and gives two to a homeless shelter. Now a rich man, he experiences a catharsis: from his successful soccer ball factory, he donates 10,000 balls to underprivileged children. Now a billionaire, he considers a scenario where sharing his wealth will correct historical wrongdoings. He sells one of his 41,312 shares of Arsenal Football Club (valued at U.S. $25,400 apiece) to the heirs of Sir Henry Norris, the founder, and 1st Chairman of Arsenal.

He feels good about himself, and still controls 66.4% of Arsenal. The sale of this single share does represent an infinitesimal drop in his estimated worth ($ U.S. 7.7 Billion), but the outpouring of goodwill more than makes up for his reduction in voting leverage at Arsenal board meetings. And it is unlikely this share would become a swing vote.

By selling one share, this man – Texas billionaire Stan Kroenke – would re-affirm the seminal and significant role of Sir Henry Norris, the man who literally changed the kit, the name, the catchment area, the stadium, and the fortunes of Arsenal Football Club.

And it is not like it is without precedent.

In 1995, while Arsenal F.C. was raising equity to build The Emirates Stadium, an administrative banking glitch created a single limbo share – it existed but was un-owned. A claim for the share was made by Nigel Phillips of the Arsenal Supporters Trust (AST), a community organization of Arsenal supporters in which individual members can buy a percentage of a share, and thus, own a very small portion of Arsenal. AST already owned two shares, but petitioned for this orphan share. The movers and shakers at Arsenal (people with names like Sir Chips Keswick, and Lord Harris of Pekham) recognized the good public relations, and shared the share. Phillips, happy that this blue-collar, die-hard, multi-generational group of Gunner supporters now owned 0.00004821833% of Arsenal, gushed:

Their decision is symbolic of their recognition of the important role the AST plays in giving small shareholders and supporters a real say in how the Club is run.

"Every share in Arsenal is precious. The gesture by the Arsenal Board demonstrates once again the importance they place on the custodianship role they have, and ensuring that there is a plurality of ownership of the club.

http://www.arsenal.com/news/news-archive/arsenal-s-orphan-share-finds-a-good-home Jan. 8. 2016

It takes some effort to contain the snort of bile (pile of snot?) that threatens to disgorge from my face. I understand that Mr. Phillips was grateful to receive the U.S. $25,000 share, which brought the organization’s total to three shares. And yes, in theory, this gesture did increase the “say” that ordinary Arsenal supporters have in club decisions. But I would hardly say in a “real” way. And how patronizing – infantilizing even – the concept of custodianship. As written in the Annual Financial Report, two billionaire owners control 95% of Arsenal shares. They are the custodians. They control everything. No amount of plurality of ownership is going to influence who the team signs in the January transfer window, or the price of a concession stand beer. The one word – the only word – that rings true is: symbolic.

My mocking approach will not endear me to the Sirs, Lords and International mandarins to whom I must plead my case. And, truth be told, my background, though not so grotesquely affluent (there I go again with the insults!), is considerably upper-class. Some of my relatives in England have royal-sounding titles (Viscount of Such-n-Such), and live in lavish homes with names like Castle Caereiinion. My great-grandfather, though summarily banned from any involvement in Arsenal F.C., still remained a rich man. Converted to an equivalent 2014 value, Sir Henry Norris’ estate was worth U.S. $9,400,000 when he died in 1934.
It’s good to get that of my chest. When their father died, all of Norris’s three daughters inherited gobs of money. They never struggled for foie gras, or Tanqueray. Their children (my Father and Aunt, and their cousins) inherited, over the years, amounts in the high six figures. I myself received Can. $3000 when I turned nineteen. Those in the family that invested wisely still live in castles, while those that did not (the Thomas’ – my side-- that married one of Norris’ three daughters) drive streetcars, or struggle to find work as a substitute teacher.

This quest to acquire one share is not about the money. It is not about clawing back some of the money that was denied my family when Sir Henry was kicked out of football. OK, there is a part of me that lies asleep at night and wonders what malfeasance or infraction my great-grandfather committed that has denied me ownership of the fourth most valuable football franchise in the world (U.S. $1,400 Million). That’s one thousand, four hundred million. Or, one billion, and four-hundred millions. Dollars. And like I said, all I got is $3000 Canadian.

My time for lamentations is over. My family has done well by Sir Henry Norris, and he was (though it was never legally proven) a manipulator of regulations and laws. It is time to focus on the reasons why my family is seeking to purchase one share.

When you read about the history of Arsenal, Sir Henry Norris gets a fair amount of credit for the reclamation, rejuvenation, and reputation of Arsenal. Even his worst detractors admit that the man was singularly influential in creating the legacy of achievement that defines Arsenal to this day. Bare bones: no Norris, no Arsenal. But there is no statue of the man outside the Emirates Stadium (there is one of Herbert Chapman, the man Norris hired to build the club). He registers barely a footnote in most Arsenal history books (I have read five), and registers under ten hits on the Arsenal web site – mostly for the various ways he cheated and stole.

In no way am I saying that the ancestors of Norris deserve one share to right the wrongs of the past. Any number of historians have speculated on any number of reasons why the League banned Norris from owning Arsenal in 1929. He protested his innocence to the highest courts, and was defeated. It is generally understood (and historically proven) that most if not all of the owners in his day used their influence to promote the interests of their clubs in the same ways as Norris. Yet no other owner was banished.

Did Norris have it coming? Had he snubbed, or insulted, or thwarted, or bribed, or threatened, or ignored too many associates and enemies? Hubris certainly played a role. Even his friends described him as an irascible bully who always got his way. In the case of his beloved Arsenal, in the end, he did not get his way.

So, the Like Mr. Phillips stated, acquiring one share would certainly be symbolic. And of course, we intend to pay for it. When we are successful in purchasing this one share, we intend to administer it much the same way as the Arsenal Supporters Trust. More on that will follow in a following chapter, but the basic idea is to allow dedicated and concerned Arsenal supporters a chance to actually own part of a share in Arsenal. Through a crowd-funding site called Kickstarter, ordinary Arsenal fans will be asked to contribute to the cost of purchasing one share (and my efforts to convince the billionaires to sell, and me writing this book). The details regarding the reward system are not finalized, but a pledge on Kickstarter of, say, £250 would equate to owning a certain percentage of our one share. More on ownership and money-raising will be revealed in a following chapter.

The challenge, now, is convincing one of three men to sell one share. Of course, to them, it is a point of pride (I do not begrudge them that), and all three would confess that owning one fewer share would not affect their bottom line. But like that hungry dog I mentioned earlier, none will want to give anything up willingly (or graciously).

I suppose it is best to start with trying to understand the motivations, aspirations -- perhaps the weaknesses of the men who run the club

In addition to Stan Kroenke, the man who owns two-thirds of Arsenal (as well as professional sports teams in the N.B.A., the N.H.L., the N.F.L, Major League Soccer, and the National Lacrosse League), there is another significant player.

After earning his fortune in metal and mining, Alisher Usmanov diversified into Mobile and Internet technology (and of course sport team ownership). His estimated worth is U.S. $19.5 Billion. But the Russian owns only 29.11% of Arsenal.

For a decade, Kroenke and Usmanov have spent millions trying to acquire any and all available Arsenal shares. From mostly generational, long-standing shareholders, a significant amount have been scooped up by Billionaire I or II. Enough that they now own over 95% of the shares: 60,280 of 62, 217 shares.
From one of these powerful men my family must chisel off one Arsenal share. Convince one of them that selling one share (it may have to be on credit, because I do not have U.S. $25,000 yet) will link him in philanthropy to Warren Buffet (“First, my Pledge. More than 99% of my wealth will go to philanthropy during my lifetime or at my death.”). Or the benevolence of Bill Gates: (“We have committed the vast majority of our assets to the Bill and Melinda gates Foundation”). Of course, I will help Mr. Kroenke come up with a self-effacing speech: (“this one share – a means in which I can share my gratitude to the man who made Arsenal everything it is today. [*cannon fire*]). The oldest withered Auntie I can find in England, cheap shawl, sensible shoes, trembling hand, accepts ceremonial share and promises Mr Kroenke to consider his mandate for the future development of Arsenal when she casts our one vote at the annual meeting (in a indecipherable accent neither he, nor any of my relatives who live in North America will understand).

But what heartstrings affect a Russian billionaire? How to influence a man who may have been a proletariat metal-worker during the Cold war, and rose up – post Glasnost -- to own the refineries he once slaved in for 12 rubles a day? This man has seen hardship, and probably only has four fingers on one hand (tragic anvil accident). He still owns the first car the Politburo gave him (1963 Lada), and drives it around a private race track paved with platinum. What am I to him? A spoiled brat whose ancestors had everything, then made sure the heirs still have everything as the money and property was passed down from generation to generation…all while he was welding girders in Siberia.

Maybe we will approach Usmanov last.

Then there is Piers Morgan: British journalist, editor, muckraker and man-about-town. He owns ten shares in Arsenal. What might persuade him to give up a share? He claims to be a tried-and-true Gunner, but regularly comes off as a know-it-all: the Manager (Arsène Wenger) should be sacked, the club employs ineffective player and strategy formations, and the players? Oh! What a bunch of simulators (North American for ‘diving’), and crybabies! Many stories have been written about how unpopular Morgan is with the team ownership, management, and fans. Why does he need this stress? He has already given one of his shares to his son – he must be growing dissatisfied with this lot. Maybe he could unload his Arsenal shares and get in on the bottom ground at Leicester City?

And then there are the other 1826 shares? Because one person or organization can own more than one share, the records indicate that 637 shareholders own these remaining 1826 shares: mostly in registered number companies. Many have endorsed their shares to the Arsenal Supporters Trust. Notwithstanding my gentle ribbing, the AST is a remarkable organization that involves loyal fans, and works to keep the nefarious agendas of Texas cowboys and Russian oligarchs in check.

I could assemble a crack team to track down the other shareholders (a significant amount are dead, according to most reports), but I know next to nothing about shares (a following chapter will explain the finer points of offering, manipulating, and hopefully for my case, buying shares). But why go after these shares? They reside where they belong: with Arsenal supporters.

This scope of politics and power will challenge my family. The descendants of Sir Henry Norris know nothing of the cut-throat world of big business – hostile takeovers, bootstrap acquisitions, poison pill, sandbagging. And though we have some money, we are of the six-figure, tied up in the kids’ education type. But we did descend from Henry Norris, who brokered unlikely deals in London, persuaded favourable decisions from the League Management, and manipulated the League Association charter like it was a pretzel. Somewhere, flowing through our veins is his blood.

In 1929, for accusations unproven, Sir Henry Norris – founder, and 1st Chairman of The Arsenal Football Club, was made to sell the football team he rescued and revived, and divest himself of any and all associations and assets. That included his shares.

In 2016, the children, grand-children, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren want to establish a bit of closure. Acknowledge that Sir Henry Norris played a paramount role in the existence, continuity, and success of Arsenal.

One share ought to do it.


Lost A Bet And Now He’s A Top G

Country: Ireland

So what you're saying is Arsène Wenger is a spy sent from Jupiter to capture the magic egg that Gunnersaurus lays once every 20 years? And he's doing it tomorrow!?!

Someone call mi5!!!!


Lost A Bet And Now He’s A Top G

Country: Ireland

I make up my own interpretation of posts when I'm bored.
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Arsenal Quotes

If Ryan Giggs is worth 20 millions, Bergkamp is worth 100 million

Marco Van Basten
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