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Guide to sources


Arse Emeritus
Toast said:
The problem is partly the sources printing ****, but mainly it's people not being able to distinguish what's **** information from what's possibly true, thus leading to pointless speculation and false hope. A guide will help.
A guide (if such a thing can be produced reliably) might help, but given the sheer amount of threads started here that can't follow a simple thread-index and bump (or PM) system, then you've got, give or take 0.0%, 0% of this making a difference. Sorry, but them's the facts. For what it's worth, there were a few of these noble attempts when I cleaned this section up, sad and disused every one of them. See, here's the kicker: you can't legislate against dumb and the insatiability that exists for transfer rumours. :wink:

But, be my guest and godspeed. (I'll be sure put this poor soul out of its misery when it sinks to p22 or so).


Established Member
whatever happened to this guy?


was pretty reliable in his day...


Established Member
AnthonyG said:
Toast said:
The problem is partly the sources printing ****, but mainly it's people not being able to distinguish what's **** information from what's possibly true, thus leading to pointless speculation and false hope. A guide will help.
A guide (if such a thing can be produced reliably) might help, but given the sheer amount of threads started here that can't follow a simple thread-index and bump (or PM) system, then you've got, give or take 0.0%, 0% of this making a difference. Sorry, but them's the facts. For what it's worth, there were a few of these noble attempts when I cleaned this section up, sad and disused every one of them. See, here's the kicker: you can't legislate against dumb and the insatiability that exists for transfer rumours. :wink:
But, be my guest and godspeed. (I'll be sure put this poor soul out of its misery when it sinks to p22 or so).

I understand your concerns and I'm also not certain this idea is actually feasible. Nevertheless, I'm young and foolish so I'll have a go at it.

A guide wouldn't do much to improve posting procedure, I admit. It would solely exist for people to check sources again so they don't get needlessly excited / heartbroken when things don't quite pan out the way Goal.com had told them it would.


Established Member
Based on the stats from the website supplied by CurryFlavoured (for which thanks), I've taken the liberty of drawing up an initial list. Please not that EVERYTHING is up for debate. The whole point of this exercise is to arrive at a reasonably accurate index and the best way to do so is through debate. It's a small start, but I'm sure there's much more to add.

So let me know what you think. Do you think a source should be in a different category? Are the categories wrong? Do you have information to add? Argue your case below. When adding non-British sources please state how you know they are reliable. In this case I've added Dutch sources since I'm quite familiar with them, being Dutch myself.

Dutch sources

Voetbal International
De Telegraaf (regarding Ajax players)
Eindhovens Dagblad (regarding PSV players)
Tubantia (regarding FC Twente players)

British Sources

Extremely reliable
BBC / Honigstein

Fairly reliable – they get a third of the rumours right.
The Times

Somewhat reliable – they call between 25-30% of rumours correctly.
Daily Telegraph
The Guardian
The Herald
The Independent
The Scotsman

Somewhat unreliable – they get less than a quarter of rumours right.
The Sun
Daily Mail
Daily Mirror
Daily Star
The Express

Unreliable – they get some things right, but don’t get your hopes up.
The People
News of the World

Very unreliable – basically fiction
Caught Offside
Talk Sport
Footy Latest
Bleacher Report
Sports Direct News

French sources

German sources

Spanish sources

Italian sources

Twitter sources


Established Member
I think you should add the bottom tier of "Somewhat reliable" to the "Unreliable" bit. Then add the Guardian to fairly reliable. Di Marzio and Ornstein could be reliable for Twitter. Then you could add a unreliable Twitter list for Graham Hunter, Wayne Gooney, Balague, Wayne Veysey etc etc

Other than that, it's a very good list :D


Established Member
This was a great idea

I used this list to keep me sane, so far so good. I know other sources get it right sometimes but its not worth the trouble imo its better to wait and let these guys comfirm it.

Worthy of your attention

kicker.de (not much arsenal)

David Ornstein :eek:ops:
arsenalhorse (pending)


Responsible Gambler

Country: England
Based on the stats from the website supplied by CurryFlavoured (for which thanks), I've taken the liberty of drawing up an initial list. Please not that EVERYTHING is up for debate. The whole point of this exercise is to arrive at a reasonably accurate index and the best way to do so is through debate. It's a small start, but I'm sure there's much more to add.

So let me know what you think. Do you think a source should be in a different category? Are the categories wrong? Do you have information to add? Argue your case below. When adding non-British sources please state how you know they are reliable. In this case I've added Dutch sources since I'm quite familiar with them, being Dutch myself.

Dutch sources

Voetbal International
De Telegraaf (regarding Ajax players)
Eindhovens Dagblad (regarding PSV players)
Tubantia (regarding FC Twente players)

British Sources

Extremely reliable
BBC / Honigstein

Fairly reliable – they get a third of the rumours right.
The Times

Somewhat reliable – they call between 25-30% of rumours correctly.
Daily Telegraph
The Guardian
The Herald
The Independent
The Scotsman

Somewhat unreliable – they get less than a quarter of rumours right.
The Sun
Daily Mail
Daily Mirror
Daily Star
The Express

Unreliable – they get some things right, but don’t get your hopes up.
The People
News of the World

Very unreliable – basically fiction
Caught Offside
Talk Sport
Footy Latest
Bleacher Report
Sports Direct News

French sources

German sources

Spanish sources

Italian sources

Twitter sources
Bannable offence if you post these sources:
Tancredi Palmeri
Emanuele Giulianelli
Agent Edward
Daily Express
The Sun

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