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Why the **** rivalry?


Established Member
RockyRocastle said:
I just cant get my head around Arsenal fans saying that dont hate tottenham, regardless of where you come from.

It is not an optional extra in supporting Arsenal.

They are the enemy, always have been and always will be. Anyone who doesnt, I cant take seriously.

I know foreign gooners dont have to experience dodgeing bricks and bottles thrown from the corner pin and seeing dads with their sons getting picked off on the high road but still.

roberts, mabbut, justin ****ing edinburgh, nayim, fat pikey keane with his gay celebration and c**t of c**nts sheringham.

There are a few reasons to hate them for a start.
for me it's the other way round, i can understand local lads no hating tottenham with how many extra fans they seems to have, they multiply like mice these days it seems at least every gooner has at least one friend that supports the ****, there seems to be rivarly but a lot less hate. where as foreign fans don't have that connection so should epitomise them.

my personal thing is wondering where's all the liverpool rivalry gone too, i hated them with such a passion growing up and that feeling seemed to have been shared, no it's like finding a needle in a haystack.


Active Member
I'd just like to speak up for foreign Arsenal fans here. The way I look at it, we foreigners will never be as hardcore as the true North London fans, and I'm fine with that. There's a huge difference between being born into something like this and incorporating it into your life at a later time.

But the hardcore Londoners shouldn't be upset about the foreign fans who miss out on some of the subtleties of being an Arsenal fan. Instead, it should be a compliment. These foreigners (who know next to nothing about the rivalries or history of English football) had their first impressions and decided that, of all the teams they could support, Arsenal were the best choice. That's basically like someone who's totally neutral and unbiased declaring your team the best. That's pretty awesome, if you ask me.

I became an Arsenal supporter when I was about 15, while living in England for half a year. I've played football for my whole life, so of course I was in paradise, having so much more exposure to it than I had in Canada. After a few months of watching matches, I was incredibly drawn to everything about Arsenal, and I've been supporting them ever since. I do feel lucky that I was also exposed to the other side of the situation, and realized early on that Sp**s were ****. But with the experience of both coming in as an outsider, and seeing the rivalry up close and personal, I can appreciate both types of supporters.

And for those hardcore supporters who still want to attack the newcomers, just think about it this way. You may have been essentially born as an Arsenal fan, but for those of us who are more recent fans, it was a conscious choice to support Arsenal, and I think that says a lot.


Established Member
sabret00the said:
RockyRocastle said:
I just cant get my head around Arsenal fans saying that dont hate tottenham, regardless of where you come from.

It is not an optional extra in supporting Arsenal.

They are the enemy, always have been and always will be. Anyone who doesnt, I cant take seriously.

I know foreign gooners dont have to experience dodgeing bricks and bottles thrown from the corner pin and seeing dads with their sons getting picked off on the high road but still.

roberts, mabbut, justin ****ing edinburgh, nayim, fat pikey keane with his gay celebration and c**t of c**nts sheringham.

There are a few reasons to hate them for a start.
for me it's the other way round, i can understand local lads no hating tottenham with how many extra fans they seems to have, they multiply like mice these days it seems at least every gooner has at least one friend that supports the ****, there seems to be rivarly but a lot less hate. where as foreign fans don't have that connection so should epitomise them.


my personal thing is wondering where's all the liverpool rivalry gone too, i hated them with such a passion growing up and that feeling seemed to have been shared, no it's like finding a needle in a haystack.

Liverpool were the most successful team in the 70/80s so everyone hated them.
It is like the mancs in the 90s.

And it proves the point. People hate man utd now because they are the most successful team and have a lot of glory hunting fans. In 10 or 20 years if they are **** no Arsenal fan will care about them, as no one cares about Liverpool today. But tottenham will STILL be the enemy.


Established Member
Seabass said:
I'd just like to speak up for foreign Arsenal fans here. The way I look at it, we foreigners will never be as hardcore as the true North London fans, and I'm fine with that. There's a huge difference between being born into something like this and incorporating it into your life at a later time.

But the hardcore Londoners shouldn't be upset about the foreign fans who miss out on some of the subtleties of being an Arsenal fan. Instead, it should be a compliment. These foreigners (who know next to nothing about the rivalries or history of English football) had their first impressions and decided that, of all the teams they could support, Arsenal were the best choice. That's basically like someone who's totally neutral and unbiased declaring your team the best. That's pretty awesome, if you ask me.

I became an Arsenal supporter when I was about 15, while living in England for half a year. I've played football for my whole life, so of course I was in paradise, having so much more exposure to it than I had in Canada. After a few months of watching matches, I was incredibly drawn to everything about Arsenal, and I've been supporting them ever since. I do feel lucky that I was also exposed to the other side of the situation, and realized early on that Sp**s were ****. But with the experience of both coming in as an outsider, and seeing the rivalry up close and personal, I can appreciate both types of supporters.

And for those hardcore supporters who still want to attack the newcomers, just think about it this way. You may have been essentially born as an Arsenal fan, but for those of us who are more recent fans, it was a conscious choice to support Arsenal, and I think that says a lot.

hating Sp**s is not a subtlety of supporting Arsenal, and neither does hating them make you hardcore.

You support Arsenal you hate Sp**s, you hate Sp**s you support Arsenal (or chelsea, west ham, millwall etc etc which should show you dow despised tottenham are).


Active Member
Liverpool were the top team in the playground when I was growing up, they were the ones to beat but faded through the premiership years. I guess we became allies in our mutual hatred of Manure.

I have always hated Sp**s though, lessons one and two for me were all about how we could win one nil and that we hate tottenham.

Sp**s fans always crowed about it when we got beat by other teams, knocked out of cups by other teams and our tilts at the league were ended by other teams. Never by them, but they took some sort of reflected glory from it. **** them.

They hate us and we hate them. We have dealt with it in recent years by winning trophies whilst they have become even more bitter.


Active Member
RockyRocastle said:
Seabass said:
I'd just like to speak up for foreign Arsenal fans here. The way I look at it, we foreigners will never be as hardcore as the true North London fans, and I'm fine with that. There's a huge difference between being born into something like this and incorporating it into your life at a later time.

But the hardcore Londoners shouldn't be upset about the foreign fans who miss out on some of the subtleties of being an Arsenal fan. Instead, it should be a compliment. These foreigners (who know next to nothing about the rivalries or history of English football) had their first impressions and decided that, of all the teams they could support, Arsenal were the best choice. That's basically like someone who's totally neutral and unbiased declaring your team the best. That's pretty awesome, if you ask me.

I became an Arsenal supporter when I was about 15, while living in England for half a year. I've played football for my whole life, so of course I was in paradise, having so much more exposure to it than I had in Canada. After a few months of watching matches, I was incredibly drawn to everything about Arsenal, and I've been supporting them ever since. I do feel lucky that I was also exposed to the other side of the situation, and realized early on that Sp**s were ****. But with the experience of both coming in as an outsider, and seeing the rivalry up close and personal, I can appreciate both types of supporters.

And for those hardcore supporters who still want to attack the newcomers, just think about it this way. You may have been essentially born as an Arsenal fan, but for those of us who are more recent fans, it was a conscious choice to support Arsenal, and I think that says a lot.

hating Sp**s is not a subtlety of supporting Arsenal, and neither does hating them make you hardcore.

You support Arsenal you hate Sp**s, you hate Sp**s you support Arsenal (or chelsea, west ham, millwall etc etc which should show you dow despised tottenham are).

Way to read one word of the post, and ignore every actual point. Thanks for that.


Well-Known Member
hating sp*rs comes with the territory. i myself used to hate the mancs more than sp*rs but a few derbies set things straight. they are the one team i hope we NEVER lose to. ever. i can take losing to the mancs even when they were the most hated of the hated, but never to the ****. its just unthinkable.

its part of your heritage to hate sp*rs, just as much as its part of their culture to hate us. no need to rationalze. some things just are.


Established Member
quattro said:
hating sp*rs comes with the territory. i myself used to hate the mancs more than sp*rs but a few derbies set things straight. they are the one team i hope we NEVER lose to. ever. i can take losing to the mancs even when they were the most hated of the hated, but never to the ****. its just unthinkable.

its part of your heritage to hate sp*rs, just as much as its part of their culture to hate us. no need to rationalze. some things just are.

very true though beating manure comes very close. Most of my mates are manure fans!


Established Member
i'm a foreigner but i've certainly cultivated a healthily low tolerance for sp*rs. a few things that should get anyone hating sp*rs

martin jol: daft face, daft head, extremely daft accent

robbie keane: ****

glenda hoddle: a disgrace to coaches all over the world and a general tard. the most boring, arrogant bastard i've ever seen manage a football team. (yes, i did consider mourinho when i made that statement)

gus poyet: daft name, pure ****

t*eddy Sheringham: i think i hate this useless bastard more than anyone else in football. a real ****chunk. his career is a plague that has been perpetuated by some very useless clubs. a poor * idiot's dennis bergkamp.

mido: holy **** do i hate this bastard. right from when he was at roma. i was a little happy to see him sign for tottenham cos it was a union of two worthless entities

these are very recent reasons to hate them but they should do nicely for anyone. seriously, how can you not dislike something with all the above listed as part of their history. i disliked them before i was an Arsenal fan (i rarely admit it but there was a period when i did not know about the Arsenal). when i fell in love, the tottenham thing was an added bonus for me.


Well-Known Member
Gunnergregharrison said:
quattro said:
hating sp*rs comes with the territory. i myself used to hate the mancs more than sp*rs but a few derbies set things straight. they are the one team i hope we NEVER lose to. ever. i can take losing to the mancs even when they were the most hated of the hated, but never to the ****. its just unthinkable.

its part of your heritage to hate sp*rs, just as much as its part of their culture to hate us. no need to rationalze. some things just are.

very true though beating manure comes very close. Most of my mates are manure fans!

Well at least losing to Manure is acceptable considering the fact that they have a really talented team.

Tottenham, on the other hand, is useless. They have no talent. Period. Losing to such a **** team would be heartbreaking. And embarrassing.

Tony Montana

Established Member
gunnertilldeath said:
i'm a foreigner but i've certainly cultivated a healthily low tolerance for sp*rs. a few things that should get anyone hating sp*rs

martin jol: daft face, daft head, extremely daft accent

robbie keane: c**t

glenda hoddle: a disgrace to coaches all over the world and a general tard. the most boring, arrogant bastard i've ever seen manage a football team. (yes, i did consider mourinho when i made that statement)

gus poyet: daft name, pure c**t

t*eddy Sheringham: i think i hate this useless bastard more than anyone else in football. a real ****chunk. his career is a plague that has been perpetuated by some very useless clubs. a poor * idiot's dennis bergkamp.

mido: holy s**t do i hate this bastard. right from when he was at roma. i was a little happy to see him sign for tottenham cos it was a union of two worthless entities

these are very recent reasons to hate them but they should do nicely for anyone. seriously, how can you not dislike something with all the above listed as part of their history. i disliked them before i was an Arsenal fan (i rarely admit it but there was a period when i did not know about the Arsenal). when i fell in love, the tottenham thing was an added bonus for me.

I don't think you should be making personal remarks about people, no matter how much you hate them. Martin Jol and Gus Poyet cannot help the way they look or change their names or even accents.

Neither should you hate Sp**s just because of the people who have played for them. They may be ****s but Sp**s are hated because of our North London rivalry. It starts from there. Everything else is just a bonus. The ****s playing for them are just ****s who happen to play for a crappy club. I hate the way Sp**s think they are a huge club. With Newcastle that's even worse but that's another story.


Established Member
Rocky - in another thread someone expressed respect for Sheringham - his status has now been changed .........

I rang my Sp**s supporting mate at 2am to gloat after Coventry beat them in the 87 Cup Final - that's just what you do to Tottenham fans

Gooner for 60 years

Active Member
Asterix said:
Rocky - in another thread someone expressed respect for Sheringham - his status has now been changed .........

I rang my Sp**s supporting mate at 2am to gloat after Coventry beat them in the 87 Cup Final - that's just what you do to Tottenham fans


Established Member
Even if I didn't support Arsenal I would still hate Sp**s.......Mediocre crap who still think they are a "big club". Crimm's like Sugar and EL Tel (who f**ked up Australia in the WC in 97) Gazza the *****, Justin Edinborough who along with Luke Chadwick is possibly the ugliest footballer ever,Sheringham's professed dislike of Arsenal, Gary bloody (I've never been booked in my life) Liniker, f**kin Nayim. all rotten bastards to a man. :x White Hart Lane with lousey views. Only the comic relief of Ossie Ardiles and Christian Gross (Was he a Gooner in disguise) makes them look pathetic rather than evil. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Supamac said:
who hates who more? I know some Sp**s fans who seem to hate us with more passion that they support there own team with.

Honestly, I think spuds hate us more than the other way.
But, you know why? Because they are ****, and they know they are ****. They never top of us in all areas .Especially since AW came. They are so jealous.

Gooner for 60 years

Active Member
Asterix said:
Rocky - in another thread someone expressed respect for Sheringham - his status has now been changed .........

I rang my Sp**s supporting mate at 2am to gloat after Coventry beat them in the 87 Cup Final - that's just what you do to Tottenham fans

And it's even more fun to phone at 2am to gloat over another Gooner win v. the **** :thumbup

Gooner for 60 years

Active Member
joetsang said:
i don't hate Sp**s (in fact, i don't hate any team). i am an arsenal fan. period.

You are of course quite right but it's not so much a question of "hate", it's just a question of....

What gives you much greater pleasure: beating the spuds 3-0 or Middleborough or Villa 5-0?

For most of us, I suspect, there is but one answer. :)


Active Member
to answer your question, Gooner for 58 years, the pleasure would be the same for me.

don't get me wrong. i believe that a healthy dose of rivalry/dislike probably adds to the fun of club support.

it's just that, as a non-brit, i don't really see anything special about Sp**s (except of course that it is a mid-table club) for me to like or dislike.

Arsenal Quotes

When I first came to Arsenal, I realised the back four were all university graduates in the art of defending. As for Tony Adams, I consider him to be a doctor of defence. He is simply outstanding.

Arsène Wenger

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